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NO. 7: WEEK OF 5-11-2020 features music courtesy of Ben Platt, Kehlani, and Trivium among others.
Welcome to Weekly Gems , a conceptual column that features one song for each day of the week. Where did this brilliant idea come from? While taking a shower actually… Anyways, here’s an outline of each of the criteria/premise of each day of Weekly Gems. Monday serves as the official start of the week.
Mad Monday serves as a marvelous means to start off a hectic, work week for many. Monday is among the more hated days of the week, so let’s spice it up with some music, shall we? After taking a “L” on Monday, Terrific Tuesday seems to be an ideal, perfect way to rebound. Go on and “Brush the dirt off your shoulders” and absolutely kill it on Tuesday. Wacky Wednesday is reserved for an intriguing song or piece of music that’s out of the ordinary – definitely ear catching. What better way to celebrate hump day, right?
Throwback Thursday (TBT) looks back at songs that have truly captivated or stuck with me for whatever reason. In some cases, there’s a compelling story or memorable happening behind the fan-girling. Fun Friday features songs that are energetic and exciting; supercharged for the weekend. There will be no BALLADS whatsoever on Fun Fridays! Steamy Saturday features songs where the temperature is hot, and we’re not talking about Celsius or Fahrenheit. Songs appearing on this day are seductive; sensual; sexy. Somber Sunday perfectly captures the end of the weekend with its sadness, disappointment, and look towards yet another mad Monday.
So, with everything accurately laid out, and the first month of Weekly Gems behind us, let’s jump right into WEEKLY GEMS NO. 7: WEEK OF 5-11-2020, which features seven songs for each day of the week. WEEKLY GEMS NO. 7 features music courtesy of Ben Platt, Kehlani, and Trivium among others. Just Click on the arrows ↔ and buttons below ↓.
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Trivium, “What the Dead Men Say” | Mad Monday 
2020 | Weekly Gems
No. 7 | Mad Monday No. 7, 5/11/2020
Trivium brings fitting subject matter to Mad Monday with “What the Dead Men Say,” the title track from their ninth studio album.
Mad Monday serves as a marvelous means to start off a hectic, work week for many. Monday is among the more hated days of the week, so let’s spice it up with some music, shall we? Today’s Mad Monday (May 11, 2020), arrives courtesy of metal collective Trivium with “What the Dead Men Say,” from their ninth album, also titled What the Dead Men Say.
“I’m calling out to you, can you hear me / Numb and disconnected, just beyond your sight / I’m not myself anymore / But I’m not alone.” The dark “What the Dead Men Say” arrives as the second track on the album. Of the song, Paolo Gregoletto tells Kerrang on the track-by-track guide that it was inspired by a book inspired by an article of the same title as the song, as well as in-between states, death, and grieving. Even with so many inspirations, Gregoletto makes it clear, “I don’t think that’s one hundred per cent exactly what this song means, but I want people to be in that mindset and know about some things that inspired it.”
“What the dead men say It’s just between us What the dead men say You can’t let go.”
The lyrics definitely seem to confirm Gregoletto’s various inspirations. Such is obvious on the second verse when lead vocalist/guitarist Matt Heafy sings, “I’m waiting for a sign of life / And I can’t let go.” Musically, “What the Dead Men Say” is about as infernal as you’d expect – angular, athletic, jagged, distorted guitar lines, prominent bass, and heavy, pummeling drums serve as an epic soundtrack. “What the Dead Men Say” – an exemplary selection for Mad Monday! Also, worth noting, it appeared on the playlist, A Playlist Comprised of 13 ‘What’ Songs.
Trivium, “What the Dead Men Say” | Mad Monday
Trivium • What the Dead Men Say • Roadrunner • 2020
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Anderson .Paak, “King James” | Terrific Tuesday 
2020 | Weekly Gems
No. 7 | Terrific Tuesday No. 7, 5/12/2020
Referencing hard work and hustle it takes to succeed, and inspired by LeBron James, Anderson .Paak rings in Terrific Tuesday with “King James.”
After taking a “L” on Monday, Terrific Tuesday seems to be an ideal, perfect way to rebound. Go on and “Brush the dirt off your shoulders” and absolutely kill it on Tuesday. How are we going to kill it this particular Tuesday, May 12, 2020? We use the growth mindset and positive vibes established by Grammy-winning rapper, singer, and producer Anderson. .Paak on “King James” from his 2019 album, Ventura. Definitely a fitting way to commence Terrific Tuesday!
“King James” is a heavy-grooving, mid-tempo gem thrives off its blend of the West Coast sound (G-Funk included) and of course, a soulful, funky breed of R&B. Vocally, Paak continues to impress with his distinct, truly ‘one of a kind’ pipes. Thematically, Paak sings about the hard work and hustle it takes to succeed, patterned after the one and only LeBron James. At one point, during the second verse, he sings, “And we salute King James for using his change / To create some equal opportunities.” In addition to the hustle, Paak highlights working beyond barriers, particularly racial barriers on the way to attaining success. “King James” previously appeared on 11 Awesome Songs that Tickled My Fancy in March 2019.
Anderson .Paak, “King James” | Terrific Tuesday
Anderson .Paak • Ventura • Aftermath / 12 Tone Music • 2019
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Scissor Sisters, “Take Your Mama” | Wacky Wednesday 
2020 | Weekly Gems
No. 7 | Wacky Wednesday No. 7, 5/13/2020
On a throwback Wacky Wednesday, Scissor Sisters intrigue with their classic, “Take Your Mama,” a notable coming out anthem from the aughts.
Wacky Wednesday is reserved for an intriguing song or piece of music that’s out of the ordinary – definitely ear catching. What better way to celebrate hump day, right? Let’s get wacky on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 with “Take Your Mama” courtesy of pop collective Scissor Sisters via their classic 2004 album, Scissor Sisters. I’d considered featuring the even groovier “Tits on the Radio”, but ended up sticking with the ‘ace-in-the-hole.’ And yes, I know, this could’ve been Throwback Thursday… Anyways…
“Gonna take your mama out all night / Yeah, we’ll show her what it’s all about / We’ll get her jacked up on some cheap champagne / We’ll let the good times all roll out… / Because the dancers don’t mind at the New Orleans…” Scissor Sisters’ “Take Your Mama” marked the monumental debut single by Jake Shears and company. Also, it’s definitely an important part of the LGBTQ+ collection of songs, having previously appeared on 19 Songs That Reference Coming Out and landing on A Compendium Comprised of 100 Notable LGBTQ+ Songs.
On “Take Your Mama,” Shears sings about being gay, having to pretend to be straight, and the effects it has on his mother. PAUSE (Did I mention “Take Your Mama” also appears on the 15 Songs That Focus on Mama?). PLAY! Back in 2004, pop music wasn’t nearly as progressive in regard to sexuality as it is now. Interestingly, in this anthem about coming out, Shears’ mama is being taken to a gay bathhouse/club on the hella catchy chorus. Sure, it’s about 16 years old at the time of publication but hey, I think it perfectly fits the Wacky Wednesday bill!
Scissor Sisters, “Take Your Mama” | Wacky Wednesday
Scissor Sisters • Scissor Sisters • Polydor • 2004
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Pink Floyd, “Comfortably Numb” | Throwback Thursday 
2020 | Weekly Gems
No. 7 | Throwback Thursday No. 7, 5/14/2020
This Throwback Thursday, we travel back to 1979 with Pink Floyd and the famous ‘numbing’ classic from The Wall, “Comfortably Numb.”
Throwback Thursday (TBT) looks back at songs that have truly captivated or stuck with me for whatever reason. In some cases, there’s a compelling story or memorable happening behind the fangirling. For the sixth Throwback Thursday, dated May 14, 2020, we look to Pink Floyd and the 1979 gem, “Comfortably Numb.” Honestly, I found it tough to decide which song from The Wall I wanted to feature – “Another Brick in the Wall, Part Two” and “Run Like Hell” were contenders.
“Hello? / Is there anybody in there? / Just nod if you can hear me / Is there anyone at home?” I deem that one of the most famous lyrics ever – convince me otherwise! “Comfortably Numb” is definitely one of the most famous numb songs of all time, and I know my numb songs! Roger Waters sang the verses on this iconic gem, while David Gilmour sang the choruses. Notably, Scissors Sisters would transform this late 70s gem into a dance record on their 2004 self-titled debut. That version in itself could’ve landed on Throwback Thursday, but why not pay ode to the ones that did it originally. The lyrics are definitely a ‘vibe.’
“There is no pain, you are receding A distant ship, smoke on the horizon You are only coming through in waves Your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re saying When I was a child, I had a fever My hands felt just like two balloons Now I’ve got that feeling once again I can’t explain, you would not understand This is not how I am I have become comfortably numb.”
Fittingly, “Comfortably Numb” appeared on Prepare to Be Numbed by These 16 Numbing Songs. “Comfortably Numb” is just a terrific, throwback rock classic.
Pink Floyd, “Comfortably Numb” | Throwback Thursday
Pink Floyd • The Wall • Sony • 1979
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Wiz Khalifa, “Bammer” | Fun Friday 
2020 | Weekly Gems
No. 7 | Fun Friday No. 7, 5/15/2020
Pittsburgh rapper Wiz Khalifa spends Fun Friday getting high with LA producer Mustard on the hella catchy “Bummer.”
Fun Friday features songs that are energetic and exciting; supercharged for the weekend. There will be no BALLADS whatsoever on Fun Fridays! So, with that considered, for Fun Friday, May 15, 2020, we enlist Grammy-nominated Pittsburgh rapper Wiz Khalifa, assisted by LA producer extraordinaire Mustard, for the hella catchy “Bammer”.
“Don’t give me no bammer weed / We don’t smoke that shit, it’s TGOD.” So, if you’re not a weed aficionado like Wiz Khalifa, you may not have a clue what he’s referencing. Bammer, per The Online Slang Dictionary, is an adjective meaning ‘of low quality.’ Applying the slang, the word becomes a noun – ‘ghetto slang for bad marijuana.’ Urban Dictionary, in case you were curious, concurs: ‘Lacking in quality, usually pertaining to weed or other street drugs.’ While the “we don’t smoke that shit” line needs no explanation, TGOD is an acronym for The Green Organic Dutchman, a cannabis firm. Can’t you see already why “Bammer” is perfect for Fun Friday?
This is a banger about smoking weed, something that Wiz Khalifa has been an expert on throughout his career. Mustard, producing alongside GYLTTRYP create a backdrop is lit AF. Adding to the ‘lit-ness’ is the use of a couple of samples: “Intro Theme (Live at the London Palladium, 1977)” by Marvin Gaye, and “Don’t Give Me No Bammer” by RBL Posse. Besides the elements added with the samples (notably that sweet saxophone), “Bammer” is anchored by that distinct, sleek beat, associated with the LA producer.
Wiz is on-point from the start. The chorus is incredibly catchy, even if it lacks any sense of profundity. I mean, singing about potent weed? Not a life or death situation… well maybe if you’re a total stoner it is. Anyways, Wiz manages to deliver entertaining, potent rhymes that expand beyond smoking trees to drip and of course, sex. It’s all within the realm of a Fun Friday.
Wiz Khalifa, “Bammer” | Fun Friday
Wiz Khalifa • The Saga of Wiz Khalifa • Atlantic • 2020
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Kehlani, “F&MU” | Steamy Saturday 
2020 | Weekly Gems
No. 7 | Steamy Sat No. 7 5/16/2020
Grammy-nominated R&B artist Kehani exemplifies Steamy Saturday, with “F&MU,” which appears on her 2020 sophomore album.
Steamy Saturday features songs where the temperature is hot, and we’re not talking about Celsius or Fahrenheit. Songs appearing on this day are seductive; sensual; sexy. This week, May 16, 2020, like May 2, 2020 and May 9, 2020, we keep it R&B, but move beyond ‘coffee’ and opt for “F&MU”, courtesy of Kehlani and her 2020 sophomore album, It Was Good Until It Wasn’t.
“We both know it’s never really goodbye / I swear it’s like we do this all the time, yeah / That shit be turnin’ me on, I cannot lie, lie…” “F&MU,” is characterized by its brevity. Even so, that’s ample time for Kehlani to be potent about love, SEX, and relationships. As the aforementioned lyrics suggests, the relationship has its fair share of issues, but ultimately, makeup sex atones. If you didn’t figure out what the meaning of the title, well, it’s clear AF on the chorus:
“We fuck and make up like it’s Maybelline We do petty things Then mess up the sheets, yeah You be runnin’ back once we let it go I already know Did it time before (Oh).”
Sure, it’s an oversimplification to suggest that good sex fixes things, but, in the case of “F&MU,” it’s quite entertaining to hear Kehlani make the assertion. The second verse has its fair share of colorful lyrics, whether it’s the opening “Damn, it’s good, I might have to piss you off,” or “Why I gotta fuck you up to make you fuck like that.” Wow! “F&MU” is definitely indicative of what a Steamy Saturday is all about.
Kehlani, “F&MU” | Steamy Saturday
Kehlani • It Was Good Until It Wasn’t • Atlantic • 2020
Kehlani, “F&MU” | Steamy Saturday
[Photo Credits: Andre Beukes, Atlantic, Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype, Nathanel Love/Family Photo Studio, Pexels, Pixabay, SilviaP_Design]
[/nextpage][nextpage title=”Somber Sunday” desc=”Ben Platt, ‘Honest Man'” img=”27340″]
Ben Platt, “Honest Man” | Somber Sunday 
2020 | Weekly Gems
No. 7 | Somber Sun No. 7, 5/17/2020
Actor and pop singer Ben Platt ushers in Somber Sunday with “Honest Man,” which encompasses the tough topic of sexuality.
Somber Sunday perfectly captures the end of the weekend with its sadness, disappointment, and look towards yet another mad Monday. On the seventh edition of Somber Sunday, May 17, 2020, actor and pop singer Ben Platt tackles tough subject matter with “Honest Man,” which hails from his debut album, Sing to Me Instead.
“It’s easier for us to hide / If you come out, then so will I / Promise that I’ll meet you halfway…” Sing to Me Instead comprises of some truly well-written songs that encompass love and open up about his sexuality, as well as captivating vocal performances. “Honest Man” is one of the better songs from Sing to Me Instead. Sexuality plays a role on “Honest Man” as Patrick Ryan (USA Today) writes in an article that “‘Honest Man’ was inspired by one of Platt’s exes who wasn’t fully out of the closet.” Ryan goes on to quote Platt regarding the song:
“It was his first real relationship and he had a lot of self-hatred issues that rubbed off on me… He would try to make me feel embarrassed about doing nice things for him and wanting to tell people about us, so the song is about refusing to put up with that.”
“Honest Man” commences with piano accompaniment, played in a soulful, gospel-tinged style. After Platt establishes the tone of the record, more instrumentation enters in, and his runs grow more liberal. Once more, his voice sounds authentic and powerful to the nth degree. Among the more impressive accomplishments of “Honest Man” is Platt’s incredible falsetto and the catchy, memorably penned chorus:
“I am an honest man Why can’t you take my hand? I’m not what you planned, but I’m a safe place to land I am an honest man.”
“Honest” Man previously appeared on the playlist, 11 Honest, True, or Truthful Songs
Ben Platt, “Honest Man”| Somber Sunday
Ben Platt • Sing to Me Instead • Atlantic • 2019
Weekly Gems
No. 7: Week of 5-11-2020 [Photo Credits: 12 Tone Music, Aftermath, Atlantic, Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay, Polydor, Roadrunner, Sony]