In the 6th edition of FIERCE Pop + Rock 
, we highlight “Fat Bottomed Girls” performed by iconic rock band, Queen.
Bring on the bold, FIERCE tracks! FIERCE Pop + Rock provides background information and insight into pop, rock, and metal songs that raise eyebrows and stir the pot. Featured records can be classic or brand new. In the 6th edition of FIERCE Pop + Rock
(2023), we explore
“Fat Bottomed Girls” performed by iconic rock band,
“Fat bottomed girls / You make the rocking world go around.” Um, sure,
Freddie Mercury – if you say so!
Queen came out fierce with
“Fat Bottomed Girls”, a standout from their 1978 album,
Jazz. The second track, which was paired with
“Bicycle Race” as a single (“Get on your bikes and ride!”), peaked at no. 24 on the Billboard Hot 100. Honestly, “Fat Bottomed Girls” deserved even more commercial success, but nobody denies the awesome of this gem performed by a bisexual musician. Mercury did not write this voluptuous booty song. Those honors go to guitarist
Brian May. Despite its heterosexual title, and Mercury’s bisexuality, May asserted in an interview, it’s not so much a heterosexual song as you might think. Fair enough.
A fat bottom is key, as the title suggests. In the first verse, Mercury sings of a coming of age, sexual experience: “Left alone with big fat Fanny / She was such a naughty nanny / Hey, big woman / You made a bad boy out of me.” Interpret it how you will. Keeping it ‘classy,’ Mercury asserts in the second verse, “I’ve seen every blue-eyed / Floozy on the way, hey.” Say what, Freddie?! Interestingly, in the third verse, Mercury speaks of “Stiffness in my bones” despite the fact that there “Ain’t no beauty queens / In this locality, I tell you / Oh, but I still get my pleasure /…Hey, big woman, you gonna make / A big man of me.” Can you say, sexual innuendo overload? Regardless,
“Fat Bottomed Girls” kicks some serious…
Queen •
Jazz •
Hollywood •
Queen, “Fat Bottomed Girls”: FIERCE Pop + Rock 
No. 6 (2023) [
: Brent Faulkner / The Musical Hype; Hollywood; Conna Lee, Madelin Berry, anna-m. w., Johan Duran, RODNAE Productions via Pexels; Pete Linforth via Pixabay]
1 Comment
| 3 to 5 BOPS | The Musical Hype
· January 26, 2023 at 9:12 am
[…] around.” Um, sure,
Freddie Mercury – if you say so!
Queen came out fierce with
“Fat Bottomed Girls”, a standout from their 1978 album,
Jazz. The second track, which was paired with
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