In the 50th edition of 3BOPS, we select three awesome songs that are associated with MATTER in some form or fashion.
n 3BOPS, we are totally dedicated to keeping things L-I-T-E! Similar to 5ive Songs, there’s a topic and a short blurb, only with THREE songs instead of FIVE. Yes, it’s a playlist, but it’s a miniature playlist that shouldn’t take much time to consume. In the 50th edition of 3BOPS, we select three awesome songs that are associated with MATTER in some form or fashion.~ Table of Contents ~
1. John Mayer, “Shouldn’t Matter but It Does”
2. Joshua Bassett, “Only a Matter of Time”
3. George Ezra, “Don’t Matter Now”
1. John Mayer, “Shouldn’t Matter but It Does”
Sob Rock •
Columbia •
On “Shouldn’t Matter but It Does” from Sob Rock, John Mayer reminisces on a past relationship. Here, it’s clear Mayer is bothered how the relationship ended. On the second verse, he sings, “You shoulda just broken / You shoulda come clean / You shoulda been sad instead of being so fucking mean…”
Throughout “Shouldn’t Matter but It Does,” everything is about what ‘should’ve’ happened, yet it didn’t. Even though it’s in the past, it’s still eats away at John. Perhaps the prime example is the third and final verse, where he states, “We could have been busy naming baby number three.” Sob Rock is the perfect title for Mayer’s eighth studio album, with “Shouldn’t Matter but It Does” masterfully capturing a regretful sentiment.
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2. Joshua Bassett, “Only a Matter of Time”
Joshua Bassett – EP •
Warner •
“And when did you stop bein’ kind? / You twisted your words like a knife…” Connotation = negative. The lyrics hail from “Only a Matter of Time”, a gorgeous if ‘troubled’ song from actor and singer Joshua Bassett, from his debut EP, Joshua Bassett (EP). What shines most about “Only a Matter of Time” is the lofty musicianship exhibited. In many ways, this is a simple record, focused more on the lyrics than the production. That said, the production (Bassett and Jake Gosling) is quite the selling point, particularly the prominent use of piano. There are other sounds, but the rhythmic piano chords are the main driving force.
Vocally, Bassett sings radiantly, as he pours out his heart in his speculated response to “drivers license”. He gives us middle and upper register, with his falsetto coming off quite sweet. Of course, the biggest draw are the lyrics. There’s nothing incredibly complex or otherworldly, just emotionally fueled, honest lyrics. The chorus is the centerpiece, but the contrasting bridge just might be the most intriguing section. What’s not to like about this ballad? This is a bop from the talented young LGBTQ artist .
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3. George Ezra, “Don’t Matter Now”
Staying at Tamara’s •
Columbia •
“Sometimes you need to be alone / It don’t matter now / Shut the door, unplug the phone / It don’t matter now.” Woo! Husky-voiced British singer/songwriter George Ezra keeps things short and sweet on “Don’t Matter Now”. “Don’t Matter Know” serves as a highlight from his 2018 sophomore album, Staying at Tamara’s. “Batman running your hometown / Serve you well, run through the crowd / It don’t matter now.” Um… okay! On “Don’t Matter Now,” the production is exuberant, channeling vintage rock, pop, and soul. The rhythmic guitar, bass line, and horns truly shine. Strengthening the mix are sensational backing vocals and an overall fun, carefree performance. Lyrically, the record is a ‘ball.’ All in all, Ezra keeps things fun, simple, and incredibly tongue-in-cheek.
“Well, I don’t think about that stuff
No, I don’t think about that stuff
It don’t matter now.”
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Matter: 3BOPS No. 50 (2021) [: Brent Faulkner, Columbia, The Musical Hype, Wilson Blanco from Pixabay, Warner]