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4 out of 5 stars

Kandle, "Honey Trap" [📷: Kandle Music]Alternative British Columbia singer/songwriter Kandle delivers an absolutely stellar, must hear single with “Honey Trap.”

“Ilearned of a spy tactic called ‘Honey Trapping’ and realized it has probably always existed in some fashion.” Interesting for sure! Prepare yourself to enhance your playlists! How, you ask? Well, I prescribe to you a heaping dose of 🎵 “Honey Trap”, courtesy of 🎙 Kandle.  According to the Canadian musician, “I wrote ‘Honey Trap’ in a euphoria of newfound freedom after having been trapped in a toxic and manipulative power struggle.” Wow! She continues, providing additional insight: “One of the best ways I’ve found to get through hard situations is to let loose in music and this is the product.” I definitely agree and would add that the end product, set to appear on her forthcoming album, 💿 Set the Fire, is absolutely stellar. 

Musically, there’s lots to heart about “Honey Trap.” This record features an excellent groove from the onset. The production is marvelous with ostinato piano, rhythmic guitar, and the rhythmic, anchoring bass line.  Ah, that sounds like musical heaven! Adding to the excellence is a great harmonic progression, which sounds something fierce within this minor-key joint.  Also, boding well in this record’s favor is a nice straightforward and accessible form.  Even so, don’t think the record is a bore.  We get a great change of tempo and harmonic contrast during the bridge section, which eliminates any sense of predictability.  Furthermore, the bridge section isn’t short as many of them tend to be. We get a heaping does of the contrast served up by Kandle.

Speaking of Kandle, for all the ado about everything else about “Honey Trap,” we certainly can’t ignore her explicitly! She has a crucial, pivotal role!  I absolutely adore the tone of her voice.  The sound is old-school, soulful, and ear catching; I could listen to her sing all day.  She also gets a lift from backing vocals courtesy of 🎙 Louise Burns, 🎙 Debra-Jean Creelman, and 🎙 Kendel Carson.  Y’all betta sang!

Final Thoughts 💭 

Kandel has clearly wised up – not allowed herself to be dictated by the conditions of society as far advancing by ‘self-sacrificial’ means.  In the process, this newfound wisdom yields an utterly sublime song in “Honey Trap.”  The pros are ample, with the cons being nonexistent as far as I’m concerned.  If you haven’t checked out this Vancouver, British Columbia standout, boy or boy are you missing out! 

4 out of 5 stars

🎙 Kandle • 🎵 “Honey Trap” • 🏷 Kandle Music • 🗓 3.3.21
[📷: Kandle Music]


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the musical hype

the musical hype aka Brent Faulkner has earned Bachelor and Masters degrees in music (music Education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and a freelance music journalist. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

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