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Jacob Sartorius, Up with It [Photo Credit: RCA]He’s definitely NOT there yet, but to his credit, rising teen-pop artist Jacob Sartorius shows improvement on “Up with It,” his first single of 2018. 

He’s back! Jacob Sartorius that is! Mr. Sartorius has clearly ‘been on the bottom’ when it comes to ratings assigned to his work. Is it fair to be that hard on the kid? Here’s the thing – it’s quite possible that Jacob will develop into a respectable pop star.  “Sweatshirt” and “Hit or Miss” definitely weren’t representative of greatness, no way you shake it.  The good news is, J.S. is improving, something he shows on his first single of 2018, “Up with It.”

Starting with the good. Listening to “Up with It,” it does sound like Jacob Sartorius is developing into a better singer. No, it’s not operatic greatness, and perhaps it’s simply a product of more expensive production, but compared to a couple of years ago, he’s improved.  Also improved is the production itself.  On “Up with It,” we get this nice, doo-wop, soulful pop backdrop that definitely entices one to listen, regardless of WHO the artist is on the track.  So, summing up the pros, we have (1) improved singing and (2) stellar backdrop.

“When you call me baby / You know I’m up with, I’m up with, I’m up.”  Hmm, the lyrics. That sums up how Jacob Sartorius feels about his bae on “Up with It.” Lyrically, the puppy-dog love clichés, are all in place.  He’s wild over this girl – expectedly, given the fact that he’s a teenager with raging hormones.  This plays to his base, which is ultimately who matters.  In regards to making a bigger, more transcendent stamp, well, “Up with It,” nor Sartorius currently are going to be able to break that barrier.

Final Thoughts

So, how does “Up with It” stack up? “It’s al’ight dawg – it’s al’ight!” Would I spin “Up with it” on repeat? ABSOLUTELY NOT, but as aforementioned, Jacob Sartorius seems to be in a better place than he was.

Jacob Sartorius • Up with It – Single • RCA • Release: 5.11.18
Photo Credit: RCA



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the musical hype

the musical hype aka Brent Faulkner has earned Bachelor and Masters degrees in music (music Education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and a freelance music journalist. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

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