Reading Time: 2 min read

3.5 out of 5 stars

In Real Life, Crazy AF [Photo Credit: Hollywood]Rising boy band In Real Life drops ‘the bomb’ on a not-so-kid-friendly, suggestive but highly enjoyable pop single, “Crazy AF.”

“She got a body that’ll make a preacher say, ‘goddamn.’” Hmm… unless it’s Rev. Jeremiah Wright in a different context, well, I’m not so sure about that.  My pastor would never… I don’t think… Anyways, a word to the wise: never underestimate the power of shock value. Cutting straight to the chase, on their risqué single “Crazy AF,” In Real Life (Brady Tutton, Chance Perez, Drew RamosMichael Conor, and Sergio Calderon) sheds any preconceptions that they are your typical clean-cut boy band.  It’s amazing the power that the f-bomb can have, sigh.

Honestly, it’s merely the repeated use of the f-bomb, as well as the aforementioned use of ‘goddamn’ that makes “Crazy AF” risqué.  It should be noted that fuck is never used in a sexual context, which would’ve definitely pushed the envelope for In Real Life. Instead, the boys are more suggestive regarding sex (“And every time we play in the sheets / I wake up with her marks all on me”), ultimately labeling her as “crazy as fuck.” Going back to the sinning preacher line, it comes on a colorfully rapped third verse, which contrasts the sweet singing on the first two.  Also, with so much emphasis placed on the lyrics, rather the language, the production is also quite a sight to behold, rather hear.  “Crazy AF” sounds like a mix between pop, hip-hop, reggae, and R&B.  That’s a lot of different sounds fused as one, but it works out for these girl-crazed boys.

Final Thoughts

Give In Real Life credit. As aforementioned, sometimes shock value gets the job done, or at least ignites interest where interest was previously low.  Here, just seeing if IRL are going to go through with uttering for under consent of the king is worth the listen in itself.  Then, it doesn’t hurt that Brady, Chance, Drew, Michael, and Sergio have something going for them.

3.5 out of 5 stars

In Real Life • Crazy AF [Single] • Hollywood • Release: 3.22.19
Photo Credit: Hollywood


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the musical hype

the musical hype aka Brent Faulkner has earned Bachelor and Masters degrees in music (music Education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and a freelance music journalist. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

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