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🎤 Getting to Know… Skarlett Roxx: Interview No. 233 [📷: Skarlett Roxx, Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype]

On the 233rd interview in our Getting to Know…series, we get the scoop on high-energy, rock/metal band, Skarlett Roxx.  


othing worse than going to see a band that looks bored and statuesque.” Agreed, 🎙 Skarlett Roxx!  So, what does a band do to ensure that’s not the case? “Our shows are high energy, and we are exhausted the next day.” Rock TF on 🤘! In our jam-packed 233rd interview in our Getting to Know… series, there is no shortage of insight regarding the band’s craft – they provide the DETAILS.  So, rather than ‘spill all the tea’ in this intro, why don’t you check out 🎤 Getting to Know… Skarlett Roxx: Interview No. 233 for yourself!

Starting things off, for those who may not be familiar with Skarlett Roxx, what would you say makes you distinct or unique? How do you rock the audience’s socks off?

🎤 Our goal is certainly to rock more than the ladies’ socks off. If they want, they can actually keep their socks on. We put a lot of energy into live shows. Both our look and sound. Nothing worse than going to see a band that looks bored and statuesque. Our shows are high energy, and we are exhausted the next day. We like all kinds of rock and metal. From glam to speed/thrash metal, but we have been told many times from young to older audience members that we are a breath of fresh air because their choices are usually county and rap which suck and sludgy tuned down screaming. We can certainly get into the latter, but people want to hear a hard rock alternative to that as well. 

Okay, let’s explore some juicy backstories. How did Skarlett Roxx form and what were some of the goals or the visions you had early on?

🎤 Members of the band have been playing together for a few years trying to put the permanent pieces together. 🎙 Jaxx, a former drummer, and 🎙 Kaiden were practicing together weekly and had started working on some originals when they invited 🎙 Deuce to join the band after they had invited him to jam with them a couple of times. At which point, the songwriting moved forward tremendously. However, once the band seemed complete, the original drummer decided he didn’t want to be as serious and dedicated as Jaxx, Kaiden, and Deuce. The band had just secured a barn in the middle of nowhere, built a stage, ignored the bats buzzing around their heads, and were dedicated to creating new music.

Soon after, 🎙 Ash joined the band to complete the lineup that has been the Skarlett Roxx lineup since the summer of 2020. Ash allowed Jaxx, Kaiden, and Deuce to blindfold him and take him to the barn for a tryout where the band’s equipment was kept at the time. Deuce, Jaxx, and Kaiden didn’t want their equipment to get stolen if things didn’t work out with Ash, so the blindfold was agreed upon for the initial meeting.  The current lineup with Deuce and Ash joining Kaiden and Jaxx is really the only time there were four committed members of the band at the same time. Live performances and songwriting took off with Jaxx, Kaiden, Deuce, and Ash. Prior to that, what brought the band together were the band’s fathers. Not only did they influence our musical choices and expose us to live concerts at a young age, but our fathers ran around at the same shows and clubs over the years.

Jaxx’s father has been singing for the bands such as Skin Kandy for years. Jaxx’s father knew Deuce’s Dad before either Deuce or Jaxx were alive and attended concerts together. Jaxx’s father and Kaiden’s father were at many of the same shows and venues too over the years and knew each other. Deuce, Jaxx, and Kaiden all wound up at a Skin Kandy show in the summer of 2019. That kind of pushed things forward too. They sold Skin Kandy merchandise together with the original drummer and got to know one another better.

Skarlett Roxx

Let’s talk more about goals. Have your goals or your perspectives changed since first starting out? What do your aspirations or goals look like now?  

🎤 Our goals have stayed the same just some goals that seemed down the road initially are a bit more immediate these days. Our album is about half done. We want to get it completed and get added to some festivals in 2022. When people have seen us live for the first time, we have had great responses from audiences, venues owners, and promoters. Each goal that we conquer leads us to bigger audiences to share our music. In the meantime, we focus on getting better as a band. Jaxx has stressed that people around in your band will only make you better if egos don’t get in the way of progress.

Everybody is influenced by somebody else. Who would you consider some of your biggest musical influences and how are they influential?

🎤 All of the band members are influenced by different bands from the early to late ’80s. However, Jaxx and Deuce are also heavily influenced by the 70’s bands like KISS and Alice Cooper. Kaiden loves bands like Santa Cruz but also likes newer modern heavy bands. Ash is very similar to Kaiden in that respect. Both love Black Veil Brides. While Ash is a huge Dokken fan from the ’80s, he also loves newer modern heavy bands as well as a lot of pop-punk. When you see our live shows, we think you hear all those influences. We get told often that there is a bit of a punk sound.

Ah, the fun stuff. What’s your craziest tour story or the wackiest thing that’s happened during a performance? Feel free to be creative.

🎤 We were playing a private party on the 4th of July. Kaiden went out into the audience playing the guitar solo to 🎵 “Rock and Roll All Night”. During the solo, he was playing with a pyrotechnic on the end of his guitar. A man in the audience had been out there dancing initially but decided it was the perfect moment to light up his cigar off Kaiden’s flaming guitar. He lit his stogie and then went on dancing until the song ended.

Another moment that we laugh about is Jaxx disappearing behind the mains on stage during the guitar solo of a live song. He was busy blowing chunks. The audience couldn’t see him at all, and he will proudly let you know that he never missed a note.

Up until this point in your career, what would you describe as your favorite song you’ve recorded or performed live? What makes that song special?

🎤 Each member has a different favorite song. Ash’s favorite song is 🎵 “To the Barrel”. It’s a song that was done when he joined the band. It was one of the first two or three songs we ever wrote. We probably play it a bit faster now with Ash on the drums. He says it’s the song he enjoys playing live the most. We haven’t recorded it yet. You can see us playing it on our YouTube channel. Kaiden’s favorite song is 🎵 “Skarlett’s Web”. We open our shows with it. It was also one of our first three or four songs we wrote. Kaiden and Jax had the music all done for the song when Deuce joined the band. Deuce put some great lyrics to it when he joined. It will most likely be the next single out. It has been recorded and is ready to go. It sounds fucking awesome. Deuce’s favorite song is 🎵 “Taste Your Tongue” because it’s faster and fun to play. It reminds him of one of his favorite KISS songs, 🎵 “Fits Like a Glove”. It has not been recorded yet, but the band does have a live video of it on their YouTube channel. Jaxx’s favorite song is 🎵 “Love Machine”. It was the band’s first single and is a catchy song. Jaxx has always been a fan of songs with a big chorus.

Is there anything else awesome, cool, or left of center the world should know about you? Secret talents or surprising tidbits?

🎤 Nothing too odd to report. Our drummer is actually the biggest guitar collector in the band. All the band members share a love for music and video games. Ash is very much into cars. Jaxx is very much into sports. Kaiden loves to create art. Kaiden created the images for both of our singles. Deuce actually still plays competitive baseball.

Closing things out, what is Skarlett Roxx currently working on, promoting that you can share with us or want us to know about? We love secrets, but there’s no pressure.

🎤 We don’t want to spoil too much, but we have more songs done and recorded. We are super excited about our next single. Most likely it will be 🎵 “Skarlett’s Web”. We have more originals that our live audiences have heard but that we haven’t recorded quite yet. You can hear them on YouTube though. We are also working on new material at this moment. The band is really excited about a song we are putting the finishing touches on right now called, 🎵 “Call Me Crazy”. We plan on having a complete album or EP done in 2022 and doing a video to support one of the songs. In the meantime, we are promoting our two singles on all the streaming services while we play as many live shows as possible.

Thank you so much for sharing taking the time to answer these questions, and best of luck moving forward. 

🎤 Getting to Know… Skarlett Roxx: Interview No. 233 [📷: Skarlett Roxx, Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype]


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the musical hype

the musical hype aka Brent Faulkner has earned Bachelor and Masters degrees in music (music Education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and a freelance music journalist. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

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