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Getting to Know… Johnny Stanec: Interview No. 195 🎤 [📷: Johnny Stanec, Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype] On our 195th Q&A, we chat with Youngstown, Ohio musician Johnny Stanec about his background, influences, & present/future endeavors.  

“Itake writing and performing very seriously.” Right on 🎙 Johnny Stanec, right on! The interviewee of our 195th interview does a fine job of discussing his artistry, goals, influences, what he’s currently promoting, and of course, future endeavors. Of his goals, Stanec states, “I write songs because I love doing it, so that constant pursuit is success in itself. Any actual tangible success is just a bonus.” Loving this guy! So, without further ado – better yet, without further spoilers – The Musical Hype proudly presents 🎤 Getting to Know… Johnny Stanec: Interview No. 195!

Starting things off, for those who may not be familiar with you, what would you say makes you distinct or unique? How do you rock the audience’s socks off?

🎤 I take writing and performing very seriously, so hopefully that sense of urgency comes through whether someone is listening at home or happens to come see me live. On record I have a full band behind me, but live, it is typically just me and a guitar. I do my best to create a quality show even in intimate venues and for smaller crowds. I always put my whole self into it. I use live shows as a way to work out my issues, in a way. It is a good feeling to connect with people and get a reaction.

Okay, let’s explore some juicy backstories. How did your solo career begin and what were some of the goals or visions you had early on?

🎤 I started doing solo records out of necessity. I had a band for years, but there was frequent downtime in between records. I get bored and I prefer to stay busy, so I took unused songs and recorded my first solo record.

After that my music slowly began to focus solely on myself. Once my band called it a day, I was able to get more serious about my own records. The last several years has been me just doing my own thing and expanding on the sound I am hoping to achieve.

Let’s talk more about goals. Have your goals or your perspectives changed since first starting out? What do your aspirations or goals look like now?

🎤 I think most songwriters and performers start out with lofty goals, but very few people are lucky to have things go as planned. I don’t set specific goals anymore. I write songs because I love doing it, so that constant pursuit is success in itself. Any actual tangible success is just a bonus.

Everybody is influenced by somebody else. Who would you consider some of your biggest musical influences and how are they influential?

🎤 Music was all around me growing up and I had a natural inclination towards it and an interest in playing early on. I was always absorbing whatever was on. It could be classics like Neil Young or something current on TV or the radio at the time. My teens were spent listening to underground bands like Operation Ivy and One Man Army and developing my own style. I like punk, but I also like songwriters like Elliott Smith.

As I grew up, I kept listening and bands like Wilco and The Shins were key to influencing the way I write, but the biggest influence on me is probably Noel Gallagher and Oasis. Those songs mean to the world to me, and I am happy if people hear that reflected in my music.

Ah, the fun stuff. What’s your craziest tour story or the wackiest thing that’s happened during a performance? Feel free to be creative.

🎤 I never trashed a hotel room or threw a television out the window like Keith Moon. Most of the craziness would come from the uphill battle going on the road presents. Long drives, bad food, low pay, etc. I once got paid $5 after a show, which was far worse than not being paid at all. Touring is great if you are the Stones, but a lot of work for the rest of us.

Up until this point in your career, what would you describe as your favorite song you’ve recorded or performed live? What makes that song special?

🎤 I usually can’t pick one, so I will highlight a couple. I wrote a song way back for one of my first solo records called 🎵 “Fade To Black”. I knew it was special. It was different than anything I had done, and it opened me up to new ideas. I figured I could write however I wanted after that. It combined styles and I still play it currently.

Another is my most recent single 🎵 “It Was Easy Now”. It feels like a culmination of so many things, while at the same time a new beginning. I look forward to people discovering it, and all my previous songs.

Johnny Stanec [📷: Johnny Stanec]

Is there anything else awesome, cool, or left of center the world should know about you? Secret talents or surprising tidbits?

🎤 I am a pretty straightforward, heart-on-the-sleeve type of person. What you see is what you get. I make music. I don’t really have any hobbies. I am essentially always focused on my songs and coming up with my next idea.

Closing things out, what is you’re currently working on, promoting that you can share with us or want us to know about? We love secrets, but there’s no pressure.

🎤 My new single is called “It Was Easy Now” and it just released June 18th. It’s available everywhere. I have another new song coming out August 13th called 🎵 “Feels Like I’m Fading Away”. Both are some of my best work, so for anyone reading this, check them out.

I always like to direct readers to my essential links. They are below. Thanks for taking the time to speak with me! I appreciate it!

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🎤 Getting to Know… Johnny Stanec: Interview No. 195 [📷: Johnny Stanec, Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype]


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the musical hype

the musical hype aka Brent Faulkner has earned Bachelor and Masters degrees in music (music Education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and a freelance music journalist. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

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