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Ervin Munir, She Never Made Old Bones [πŸ“·: Ervin Munir]Ervin Munir Releases New Single, ‘She Never Made Old Bones’

Contributed by George James

Ervin Munir, the singer-songwriter who hails from the east coast of the United Kingdom, has strengthened his position in the folk music scene with the release of his newest track, ‘She Never Made Old Bones‘.

She Never Made Old Bones‘ is a song that contains a lot of significance and is a story that is unlike any other. In it, Ervin MunirΒ  documents everything he has learned along the journey, and the name of the song sums up the entire piece in its entirety. Moreover, the idea behind the song’s lyrics is that sometimes, be it a person’s life or a relationship, time gets taken away abruptly. A sense of hardship can be felt not just via the dramatic narratives but also within the emotion that Ervin communicates. His passion for the subject increases as the track progresses.

Ervin’s music stays somewhat within the folk box, but he occasionally ventures into the country genre. Furthermore, his guitar hooks sometimes bring an additional level of dynamism to the whole soundscape. The guitar strums have an emotional element to them, becoming more intense in the chorus and occasionally taking a step back to give space to the guitar lead, which is dripping with zeal.

The tune has an unrefined quality, which is what gives it its distinctive sound and helps it to stand out in the way that it does. In addition, this style of music does not call for excessive polishing, and staying faithful to the way it was put together is often an essential component in creating a treasure such as this one.

You can take a listen to ‘She Never Made Old Boneshere.Β 

Five out of five – George James.Β 

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πŸŽ™ Ervin Munir β€’ 🎡 She Never Made Old Bones β€’ 🏷 Ervin MunirΒ β€’ πŸ—“ 12.09.22
[πŸ“· : Ervin Munir]




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