Reading Time: 2 min read

4 out of 5 stars

Chaz Cardigan, "Not OK!" [Photo Credit: UMG Recordings]Queer alt-pop musician Chaz Cardigan brings hella energy on his first single of 2020, “Not OK!” which highlights mental health.

Chaz Cardigan (formerly Spazz Cardigan) is a Nashville-based, queer alt-pop musician, who grew up outside of Louisville, Kentucky.  Quite the musician, he’s a classically trained pianist, and self-taught guitarist, bassist, and drummer.  Additionally, he produces. His numerous musical influences include Kanye West, Björk, David Bowie, and Sun Ra. “Not OK!” arrives as the first single Cardigan released in 2020.  Nashville Scene describes the single perfectly: Chaz Cardigan Gets Real About Mental Health in ‘Not OK!’.

“Not OK!” features a heavy dosage of rhythmic guitar, as well as pummeling, mammoth drums.  The vocals by Chaz Cardigan are heavily distorted, complementing the coarse sound established by the guitars and drums.  While the verses are dynamic in their own right, the chorus is even heavier – totally the expectation.  Even with the chorus being louder and more powerful, there’s actually more clarity in regard to sound. You can thank the vocal production, of course:

“Everybody’s got that something
We can’t fix with love or money
Even when it pulls me under,
Get so high that it just seems funny
How many times can I fake it
Before it breaks me, I’m not okay…”

Beyond the excerpted lyrics of the chorus, Chaz Cardigan reflects on his youth, mental health, and numerous bad decisions he’s made. “18 with a hammer at my senior prom,” he sings on the first verse, continuing, “Ripping couches in the basement of the country club: That was my first panic attack / I knew couldn’t get my youth all back.” He later moves on to his twenties, singing, “23 and skipping obligations for some fake cash when I started to lose my patience / I get stoned on going too fast, and what a rush when we finally crash.” Maybe my favorite lyric where Cardigan isn’t okay comes years later – aged 50: “Maybe when 50 I’ll figure it out / Get my shit put together in a nice clean house / Maybe that’s a pipe dream.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, “Not OK!” is quite a thrilling new record from Chaz Cardigan. Why is it such a win for the Cardigan? Energy might be the biggest reason in all honesty.  Beyond energy though, there is strong songwriting, a relatable theme, and colorful production work.  He may ‘not be ok,’ but “Not OK!” is quite a respectable song.

4 out of 5 stars

Chaz Cardigan • “Not OK!” – Single • UMG Recordings • Release: 1.23.29
Photo Credit: UMG Recordings


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the musical hype

the musical hype aka Brent Faulkner has earned Bachelor and Masters degrees in music (music Education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and a freelance music journalist. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

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