Reading Time: 2 min read

1 out of 5 stars

Bella Thorne, B*tch I'm Bella Thorne © Filthy FangsActress-singer Bella Thorne reveals to the world her unapologetic pop-rap single, “B*tch I’m Bella Thorne.” She definitely shouldn’t have.

Sometimes, a song title speaks volumes.  That’s the case with the bluntly titled, “B*tch I’m Bella Thorne.” Honestly, there’s no hiding behind that title, but apparently, actress and singer Bella Thorne wasn’t hiding anything – understatement.  Bold titles often reveal their cards without leaving anything to the imagination.  Again, Thorne checks off that box.  Beyond its shocking title, which instantly recalls a certain Madonna song released in 2015, is “B*tch I’m Bella Thorne” an intriguing, legitimately respectable record? That would be a big-fat NO.

“Pussy scuba diver, need a surfboard

Let me show my nipples, what I need a shirt for?”

Oh brother. Co-written with rapper MOD-Sun, “B*tch I’m Bella Thorne” feels more like a ploy for shock value than anything else, evidenced by the aforementioned, cringe-worthy lyrics. Thorne raps, which is highly, HIGHLY questionable in itself.  To her credit, she’s chocked-full of attitude, coming over as sort of this bratty, feisty celeb. Is it all an act? Depends on if keep abreast of the life of the star at hand.  Personally, I don’t, but to each his or her own. Listening and reading through the lyrics, this is a flex-fest that ultimately delivers nothing the least bit meaningful or transcendent.  There’s honestly little to take away from a hook where the majority of the lyrics are “Bitch, I’m Bella Thorne.”

Final Thoughts

Ugh, ugh, UGH! If you couldn’t tell earlier, “B*tch I’m Bella Thorne” is nothing short of a hot mess – grade A rubbish.  You can almost smell the stench as you listen, and it totally reeks! This is narcissism at its worst, truly representing a disgusting low in pop music – or whatever style Thorne is ultimately looking to represent.  Ladies and gentlemen, this is an epic FLOP.

Bella Thorne • B*tch I’m Bella Thorne – Single • Filthy Fangs • Release: 5.18.18
Photo Credit: Filthy Fangs
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the musical hype

the musical hype aka Brent Faulkner has earned Bachelor and Masters degrees in music (music Education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and a freelance music journalist. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

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