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11 Uniquely-Titled, Interesting Songs of 2018 [Photo Credits: 88rising, Columbia, CupcakKe, Def Jam, Domino, EMPIRE, Filthy Fangs, Island, Loma Vista, Sub Pop]“11 Uniquely-Titled, Interesting Songs from 2018” features music courtesy of Artic Monkeys, CupcakKe, Ghost, Jack White, and Joji among others.

Being honest, this playlist was a total accident.  Sometimes, that’s how the best playlists are born. Is this the best playlist? Probably not, but it’s worth checking out.  The songs on this 11-track list are all subjectively chosen – they must be uniquely-titled.  Furthermore, beyond being uniquely-titled, the song must be an interesting listen.  After going through my archive of album and track reviews from 2018, I settled on this batch of songs.  Artists with music on this colorful, quickly-penned playlist includes Artic Monkeys, CupcakKe, Ghost, Jack White, and Joji among others.

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1. Ghost, “Miasma”

Prequelle • Loma Vista • 2018

Ghost, Prequelle © Loma Vista“Miasma” is the first of two epic instrumentals on Prequelle.  Without lyrics, what is Ghost getting at with “Miasma?” The definition of miasma, according to Merriam-Webster, is “a vaporous exhalation formerly believed to cause disease” or “an influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or corrupt.” That definitely fits the narrative of the album and times, particularly considering that there was something called miasma theory that was eventually disproved.  As for the “Miasma” at hand, it’s led by enthusiastic guitars, and features a gritty, spirited saxophone solo (Gavin Fitzjohn).

2. Logic, “Indica Badu”

Ft. Wiz Khalifa

Bobby Tarantino II • Def Jam • 2018

Logic, Bobby Tarantino II © Def Jam“Indica Badu” serves as one of the highlights from the 2018 Logic mixtape, Bobby Tarantino II. “Indica Blue” benefits from its smooth, soulful sound, not to mention a respectable feature from Wiz Khalifa. What is Indica exactly?  It is a cannabis strain. According to Leafly, the plant is known for “distinctive fat leaves and short flowering cycles.”

3. CupcakKe, “Spoiled Milk Titties”

Ephorize • cupcakKe • 2018

cupcakKe, Ephorize © cupcakKeCupcakKe, famous for her explicit, raunchy, and unapologetic style (see “Deep Throat”), dropped a new LP in 2018, Ephorize. It’s filthy but has its share of moments. Speaking of filth, the sex is out of control on the song at hand, “Spoiled Milk Titties.” “Alter ego is a freak ho / Dick swimming like Finding Nemo / Bootyhole shaped like a zero / And the twat a upside down Dorito.” Phew! #Cringe, cringe, CRINGE! “Spoiled Milk Titties” actually gets even more X-rated, but you can listen and read the lyrics at your own discretion.

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4. The Neighbourhood, “Sadderdaze”

The Neighbourhood • Columbia • 2018

The Neighbourhood © ColumbiaAfter releasing two five-song EPs – Hard (2017) and To Imagine (2018) – The Neighbourhood returned with their third full-length album, The Neighbourhood. “Sadderdaze,” a song which concluded the Hard EP, feels right at home on The Neighbourhood. The neatest aspect of the song is the wordplay, particularly its relevance to the message. Rutherford discusses the effects of success, particularly within the music industry, yet, he’s still unprotected from “sadder days.”

“Saturdays are not the same as they used to be / Sadder days, why do they keep on using me? / They keep on using me.”

5. Fall Out Boy, “Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea”

M A N I A • Island • 2018

Fall Out Boy, M A N I A © IslandFollowing a ‘botched’ promo campaign, pop-punk darlings Fall Out Boy saved face (for the most part) with the arrival of their seventh studio album, M A N I A. “Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea” gets the honors of the best song title. Patrick Stump reminisces about the past and references his issues.  He’s determined to get out of his own way:

“The only thing that’s ever stopping me is me, hey! / I testify if I die in my sleep / Then know that my life was just a killer dream, … /Are you smelling that shit? / Eau de résistance.”


6. Bella Thorne, “B*tch I’m Bella Thorne”

B*tch I’m Bella Thorne – Single • Filthy Fangs • 2018 

Bella Thorne, B*tch I'm Bella Thorne © Filthy Fangs“Bitch I’m Bella Thorne” is nothing short of a hot mess – grade A rubbish. Co-written with rapper MOD-Sun, it feels like Bella Thorne wants shock value more than anything else, evidenced by ample clumsy and cringe-worthy lyrics. She raps, which is highly, HIGHLY questionable in its itself.  Give her credit for being chocked-full of attitude, coming over as sort of this bratty, feisty celeb.  One has to wonder, is it all an act? Regardless, if winning the award for the worst song of 2018 is what Thorne desires, she’s won it hands down with this train wreck.

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Little Dark Age • Columbia • 2018

MGMT, Little Dark Age © Columbia“Find me when the lights go down / Signing in and signing out / Gods descend to take me home / Find me staring at my phone.” Sigh, Little Dark Age maintains consistency on “TSLAMP,” a record that focuses on phone addiction (it stands for Time Spent Looking At My Phone). The message, lyrics, and production are pitch-perfect by MGMT.  “Last thing that you need / Is the shiny feature / All the memories you’ve shared / Devoured by perverted creatures.”

8. Joji, “Bitter F*ck”

In Tongues (Deluxe) • 88rising / EMPIRE • 2018

Joji, In Tongues (Deluxe) © 88rising / EMPIREOn “Bitter Fuck,” Joji describes himself as just that.  He references his issues and blames his ex- for making him a “bitter fuck,” particularly on the first verse and the chorus. “Now I’m a bitter fuck / They call me a bitter fuck / Because of you.”  The bluntness continues on the second verse.  Two key words serve as the foundation of the verse: bitch and fuck. In regards to bitch, Joji describes her as being lame, yet goes on to say she “just came all over me.” In regards to fuck, it’s double entendre, with the primary meaning being, ‘don’t mess with me,’ hence showcasing the bitterness.

9. Jack White, “Hypermisophoniac”

Boarding House Reach • Columbia • 2018

Jack White, Boarding House Reach © ColumbiaBoarding House Reach is the most adventurous, left-of-center Jack White album yet. The uniquely-titled “Hypermisophoniac” is among the most bizarre records from the left-of-center tour de force.  As strange as it may be, the creativity – particularly synthesizers – make it truly refreshing on the ears.  The vocals themselves are unique – definitely non-standard.



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10. Arctic Monkeys, “Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino”

Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino • Domino • 2018

Arctic Monkeys, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino [Photo Credit: Domino]Most critics embraced Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, the unique comeback album by British alternative band Arctic Monkey, though some where more skeptical.  Personally, the album was intriguing and a refreshing change of pace from Alex Turner and company. Minor key title track “Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino” ranks among the crème de la crème, arguably the crowning achievement.  Turner sings about an imaginary hotel and casino, possibly on the Moon. According to an EW interview, Turner, referencing the title track states, “…Whether we’re actually talking about a sort of hotel-casino complex on the moon or not is debatable.”  Weird to the core, “Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino” encompasses politics, philosophy, technology… it’s something.

“Technological advances really bloody get me in the mood

Pull me in close on a crisp eve, baby

Kiss me underneath the moon’s side boob.”

11. Father John Misty, “Disappointing Diamonds are the Rarest of Them All”

God’s Favorite Customer • Sub Pop • 2018 

Father John Misty, God's Favorite Customer © Sub PopFather John Misty (Josh Tillman) keeps things short on “Disappointing Diamonds are the Rarest of Them All”, the seventh track from God’s Favorite Customer.  Despite the brevity, the production is alluring, including instrumentation including piano, guitars, bass, drums, and saxophone.  Vocally, Tillman serves up a liberal amount of falsetto, which is compelling if uncharacteristic. The lyrics exemplify typical, clever Father John Misty through and through. “Like a carcass left out in the heat / This love is bursting out of me.” Goodness gracious.  The centerpiece is the chorus, where the titular lyric comes into play.  “Disappointing diamonds are the rarest of them all / And a love that lasts forever really can’t be that special…” Yup, God’s Favorite Customer.

Photo Credits: 88rising, Columbia, CupcakKe, Def Jam, Domino, EMPIRE, Filthy Fangs, Island, Loma Vista, Sub Pop

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.