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4 out of 5 stars

Zipten, "Cube Escape" [📷: Zipten]Zipten Release Electronic Piece “Cube Escape”

Contributed by George James


ipten crafts one of the most refreshing electronic compositions I have come across in recent months. Furthermore, his latest delivery, “Cube Escape”, is right on the money with a contagious quality.

Hailing from Milan, Zipten has evolved over the years to create a sound which shines like a luminous beam. Also, he delivers timeless hooks which I am sure many will be relishing this winter. It is what pulled me into this track in the first place with its serene nostalgic tones and nail-biting rhythmic arrangement.

It all gets underway with a beat which taps along with a rising synth. However, it soon changes course, and we head down a new route with more sounds leaping out of the speakers. For me, I enjoy how Zipten takes influence from the dance realms but also leads to an experimental space with a hybrid forming.

As the track progresses, Zipten cons us into thinking we are going to get a huge drop, but instead, we head down euphonic passages, and the outcome is memorable. So much so, it feels like an adventure through a maze with plenty of corners.

Overall, “Cube Escape” is the electronic medicine which we have all been craving for quite some time. It has a warm quality, but yet Zipten also boasts high tones in a way which you will struggle to compare elsewhere. However, it is a short mix, and an extended version may have worked wonders also. Nevertheless, regardless of its ephemeral nature, it still gets the job done, and I will be keeping this one on replay for quite some time.

Four out of five – George James. 

4 out of 5 stars

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🎙 Zipten •  🎵 “Cube Escape” • 🗓 11.13.20
📷 : Zipten; Icons made by Freepik


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