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4 out of 5 stars

Zedd & Elley Duhé, Happy Now [Photo Credit: Interscope]German DJ/producer Zedd and American singer Elley Duhé make a great team on their groovy new dance-pop joint, “Happy Now.”

“You keep on talking sweet, till your fingers bleed / But you don’t dare ask me how I’ve been.” Hmm, I sense some hostility! Grammy-winning, Russian-German DJ and producer Zedd is back with a hot new single, “Happy Now.” Of course, the aforementioned lyrics aren’t sung by him but rather American pop singer, Elley Duhé. Ultimately, the two work together marvelously well on “Happy Now.”

Worth mentioning from the jump – Zedd emphasizes rhythm throughout the course of “Happy Now.” It begins with rhythm guitar, a common EDM production touch, but effective as the chief accompaniment on the first iteration of the chorus. Elley Duhé sings:

“You’re a world away / Somewhere in the crowd / In a foreign place / Are you happy now? / There’s nothing left to say / So I shut my mouth / So won’t you tell me babe / Are you happy now?”

Uh oh… Again, all isn’t happy.  Regardless, Duhé sounds distinct, commanding, and nuanced.  Her pain is our pleasure.  Following the chorus, there’s a nice timbral contrast on the first verse. The sound evolves from more of a rock/pop sound, to integrating more dance and electronic cues. The key piece is the sick beat. The ‘second’ everything seems to be more developed.  That includes the second chorus, which includes fuller production, as well as the second verse, which is groovier and more invested into the dance-pop aesthetic. Additionally, there’s the signature EDM solo, combined with a post-chorus, extended following the third chorus.  Duhé sings, “You’re the only one who can / You’re the only, you’re the only.” Also, worth noting is the outro, where she sounds like a robot thanks to the use of vocoder.

Final Thoughts

Do Zedd and Elley Duhé change the game with “Happy Now?” No, but it is a well-executed, incredibly enjoyable electronic pop record for all of the above-listed reasons.  Summarized, that includes great production, awesome vocals, and respectable songwriting, particularly the chorus.

4 out of 5 stars

Zedd & Elley Duhé • Happy Now – Single • Interscope • Release: 7.18.18
Photo Credit: Interscope

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.

1 Comment

Elley Duhé, ‘WAY DOWN LOW’ | Track Review - The Musical Hype · August 1, 2018 at 10:00 am

[…] appearing alongside Zedd on the awesome “Happy Now”, pop singer Elley Duhé returns with her own solo single, “WAY DOWN LOW.” The results are […]

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