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4 out of 5 stars

Years & Years, Palo Santo [Photo Credit: Polydor]British electro-pop collective Years & Years continue to shine on “If You’re Over Me,” the second single from their highly-anticipated sophomore album, ‘Palo Santo.’

Years & Years have a tough act to follow – themselves! That’s right, frontman Olly Alexander and company outdid themselves on single “Sanctify”. “Sanctify” is a great addition to any playlist, particularly LGBTQ -related playlists given themes encompassing spirituality and sexuality.  But, “Sanctify” isn’t the only song appearing on the British electro-band’s highly-anticipated sophomore album, Palo Santo. “If You’re Over Me” may not be able to beat the juggernaut that precedes it, but it’s pretty awesome in its own right.

“If You’re Over Me” features bright, exuberant production work.  Set in a major key, the optimism of the sound is nothing short of awesome. Olly Alexander is on autopilot from the start, further endearing himself stateside with his charming British accent. His vocals are clear, commanding, and relatively easygoing and unforced.  The man is truly ‘the man’ with his stunning vocal tone.

Although “If You’re Over Me” is incredibly bright and bubbly, thematically, Olly is singing about a previous relationship where his ex doesn’t seem to be over him.  “You tell everyone our love went cold,” he sings on the pre-chorus, later adding, “If that’s how you feel then you should go / Don’t come around saying, ‘I still want you.’ On the centerpiece, the chorus, Alexander continues the tale of his ex who’s giving mixed signals.

“One minute you say we’re a team

When you’re telling me you can’t breathe

Well you should set me free

Baby, if you’re over me.”

Final Thoughts

Topping “Sanctify” is a gargantuan task.  “If You’re Over Me” doesn’t beat out the superb promo single from Palo Santo, but it gives Years & Years another fantastic record.  Boxes are checked off without a hitch: production, vocals, theme, lyrics.

Years & Years • Palo Santo • Polydor • Release: 7.6.18
Photo Credit: Polydor


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.