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Britney Spears, Pretty Girls © RCA

2.5 out of 5 stars

There’s really just one question to ask – have Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea lost their minds? YES! Listening to the pair’s corny new single, the question is DEFINITELY a rhetorical. “Pretty Girls” is nothing short of a hot mess – strike that – a HOT MESS. Will this schmaltzy, tongue-n-cheek single become the hit of the summer? Maybe, maybe not, but it is obvious that Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea are looking to accomplish a couple of things with this single.

“All around the world, pretty girls / wipe the floor with all the boys / pour the drinks, bring the noise.”

Let’s start with the goals for the lead artist, Britney. Everybody knows that Britney Spears needs a big hit. Her previous album Britney Jean was a flop, and while “Work B*tch” was okay, it was by no means a classic from the former teen-pop star. Britney Spears just never sounded ‘invested’ as she has in the past, but rather came off as bored and out of tricks. She really needs “Pretty Girls” to be ‘that’ single that rejuvenates her career after a miss with Britney Jean.

“Damn, still killing them softly / I would spend time with you but that’d cost me.” – Iggy Azalea

For Iggy Azalea, it seems that she’s trying to find her next big hit. “Beg For It” was too much a retread of “Fancy” even if it was an enjoyable single. Still, it never could supersede “Fancy” or “Black Widow” and Iggy’s Reclassified – her hits plus some newbies from The New Classic – didn’t exactly light up the charts or capitalize off of her breakout success. Iggy Azalea isn’t necessarily ‘in trouble,’ but the recent press from an assortment of folks could suggest her run in 2014 might be the ‘peak’ of her career, fair or unfair.

So two artists looking for a big time hit get together and create “Pretty Girls.” Laughable when you think about it, isn’t it? The song has no substance, Britney Spears sings about nothing really, and Iggy Azalea spits about nothing. Sounds like a world-class hit in modern times right? Even worse (or better if it bugs the ‘you-know-what-out-of you’) is that “Pretty Girls” clocks in under three minutes. Short, but not necessarily sweet.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, some will think this single is “cute” while others will know from the jump this is nothing more than another so-so “Fancy” retread that’s not nearly as good. Has Britney Spears lost it? Well…the jury is still out, but she’s not as ‘potent’ as she once was. Does Iggy Azalea still have something to prove? Unfair or not, the answer is yes as there are plenty of haters who question her talent. Finally, is this a hit? Probably will get some spins, but don’t it definitely isn’t the next “Uptown Funk!”

Britney Spears • Pretty Girls ft. Iggy Azalea • RCA • Release: 5.4.15
Photo Credit: RCA

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.


Stephanie Pyrzynski · May 8, 2015 at 12:16 am

Spot on, Brent. This sums up my thoughts and feelings on this single and its two artists.

mistermaxxx08 · May 8, 2015 at 3:03 am

britney is washed up and Iggy is just trying to hang on in there. the kind of track that was so ten years back. it would have been a cool trap cut about 5-6 years back,dated now. what is up with Iggy doing duets with has beens? first J LO and now Britney

    the musical hype · May 8, 2015 at 5:05 am

    You nailed it! Britney is done and Iggy is making bad choices as far as who she’s duetting with. This song did little for me and those 2 1/2 stars I gave it was generous.

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