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4 out of 5 stars

Tove Lo, Bikini Porn - Single [Photo Credit: Universal Music]Following the certified bop “Bikini Porn,” Swedish artist Tove Lo strikes gold again on “Passion and Pain Taste the Same When I’m Weak.”

Tove Lo has been pretty prolific over the past few years.  In 2019, she released a new album, Sunshine Kitten, following up her 2017 album, BLUE LIPS (lady wood phase II).  Admittedly, the last full-length album I personally reviewed was Lady Wood, which was released in 2016.  Of course, this isn’t the forum for an examination of the Swedish alt-pop artist’s discography.  No, the focus is on the second song released from her single, Bikini Porn.  That second song is the lengthily titled, “Passion and Pain Taste the Same When I’m Weak.”

Following the upbeat and risqué “Bikini Porn”, “Passion and Pain Taste the Same When I’m Weak” has a tough act to follow.  Even so, this four-minute ballad is a nice change of pace for Tove Lo.  That isn’t to say she fails to get her profanity in (“If you break my bones, I’ma hurt my soul / Gonna fuck it out again and gain”), but it’s a welcome contrast.  From a vocal standpoint, she sounds particularly strong, even when various vocal effects come into play.

Some other notes.  As far as form, I like the organization of this song.  There are two standard verses, as well as the chorus, post-chorus, and interludes.  The verses are pretty sweet, but the most interesting sections are by far the chorus, the post-chorus that follows, and the interludes, which find Tove Lo failing to finish certain words (“If you break my bones, if you br—…”).  Beyond the form, and the memorable chorus (“Passion’s got a thousand faces / But none of them will play the realest…”), the production is awesome.  Who can we thank for this celestial backdrop? Why none other than FINNEAS, who also co-produced “Bikini Porn.”

Final Thoughts 

“Bikini Porn” was a naughty bop.  “Passion and Pain Taste the Same When I’m Weak” is a respectable ballad, yet Tove Lo still retains her edge.  It’s another winner, thanks to the production (FINNEAS), high-flying vocals, and some truly intriguing songwriting moments. By songwriting, nobody is calling this a poetic masterpiece, but it’s definitely worthwhile.

4 out of 5 stars

Tove Lo • Bikini Porn – Single • Universal Music • Release: 1.15.20
Photo Credit: Universal Music


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.