Grammy-winning R&B singer Toni Braxton remains a class act on her 10th album, Spell My Name. She the mark of consistency.
R&B is not dead – it just doesn’t sell or impact the same way that it once did. Don’t get me wrong; there are a number of popular contemporary R&B artists doing well for themselves, with The Weeknd chief amongst them. That said, the older, more traditional acts, such as Toni Braxton, don’t have the same pull they once had. That’s a shame given the fact that Spell My Name, the 10th album by the Grammy winner, is enjoyable and well-rounded. After reviewing the project for The Urban Music Scene, I decided to dive in deeper, track-by-track on The Musical Hype.
“Dance” commences Spell My Name satisfactorily – energy, energy, energy! It certainly encourages you to bust a move – in a grown-folks, adult contemporary R&B sort of way! The production (Antonio Dixon and Braxton) is lovely, led by a beefy bass line, keyboards, and synth strings. Braxton’s vocals are on-point and she gives some great personality too. Furthermore, Braxton showcases plenty of personality. Throw in a catchy chorus and it’s all good!
“Do It (Remix)” is featured twice on Spell My Name. The first version is collaboration with Missy Elliott who also produces with Hannon Lee. Notably, Babyface graces the lists of songwriters. Another adult R&B number, it’s a modern one that incorporates the sounds of today. We are blessed by those husky, lower register vocals from Braxton as well as a memorable verse by Missy. Again, the chorus is noteworthy. The second version of the song appears as the ninth track on Spell My Name. It’s actually the original version, with different production and of course, no rap. While it’s successful as well, the remix with Missy is the better version.
“Gotta Move On”
“Gotta Move On” featuring H.E.R. marks the third straight ‘home run’ by Toni Braxton by my estimations. The tempo is slower, but there’s still an awesome, fitting groove. Braxton sounds quite soulful, riding the production of Soundz like a champ. While the record can hang in 2020, the guitar solo hearkens back to the 80s – a little old-school sensibility! Applaud the chorus, performed mainly by H.E.R. with Braxton ad-libs, which is arguably the biggest selling point of “Gotta Move On.”
“Fallin’” and “Spell My Name” don’t quite match the brilliance established by the opening trio. That said, both records are sound by all means. On “Fallin’,” we get more of that gorgeous, sultry low register that Toni Braxton is renowned for. Furthermore, the production work is a win. On the title track, just in case you were curious, of course her name is literally spelled out! “Spell My Name” again balances old- and new, and Braxton radiates with personality. “O.V.E.Rr.” is stronger, featuring more marvelous production courtesy of Antonio Dixon (strings, timpani, and sleek, modern drum programming). Again, the vocals are excellent, and the chorus – the crème de la crème!
“I guess we both know it's really over It’s a shame ‘cause we just need some closure The problem is nobody wanna go first It's just O-V-E-R, we’re O-V-E-R, we’re Over and over until we both say so So why we keep on going down the same road? Promise we gon’ end it ‘cause we both know It's just O-V-E-R, we're O-V-E-R-R.”
“Happy Without Me”
Beyond being “O.V.E.Rr.,” Braxton moves on to “Happy Without Me.” After residing in her lower register during the verse, she ascends during the chorus. She handles it solo – no backing vocals whatsoever. She doesn’t need them of course. There’s nothing ‘brand-new’ brought to the table, but this is a veteran straight-up flexing. She flexes hardest on the powerful final chorus, sounding incredibly inspired – NO CAP! “Saturday Night” does welcome vocal harmonies, which add more weight to the ballad. Once more, we get big vocals and another notable chorus melody, something that Spell My Name does superbly from start to finish.
Following “Do It” (the original version, aforementioned), “Nothin’” (Bonus) concludes Spell My Name. We get a welcome switch to duple compound meter – there’s been lots of common time throughout! Here, the vibe is more soulful (organ!) without leaving the Braxton lane – adult contemporary R&B. Ultimately, it’s another sound vocal by Braxton.
Final Thoughts
Will anyone leave totally surprised or wowed by anything that Toni Braxton does on Spell My Name? No. Braxton is consistent, and at this juncture in her career, she has nothing left to prove. She’s had her heyday, so now, it’s all about flexing and remaining consistent. There’s nothing ‘brand-new’ even with brand-new material being served up. That said, there’s no need for brand-new when her brand has been successful since the 90s, right? Right. Spell My Name may not be innovative, but Toni gets the job done!
Gems: “Dance,” “Do It (Remix),” “Gotta Move On” & “O.V.E.R.r”
Toni Braxton • Spell My Name • Island • Release: 8.28.20
Photo Credit: Island