On the short but sweet single “I Loved A Boy,” UK pop singer/songwriter Thomas Headon sings convincingly from the perspective of a friend experiencing a breakup.
“I loved a boy, he hated me / We barely speak, he doesn’t see like I do / But it’s better that one.” Ah, it seems like a case of a breakup, as well as possibly that horrid thing called unrequited love, Thomas Headon. Interestingly, the pop singer/songwriter is NOT singing from his perspective on his single,
“I Loved A Boy”. In other words, it wasn’t him that loved a boy but rather a friend who experienced this crappy experience. Regardless, Headon paints a relatable picture for anyone who has found themselves liking someone who doesn’t give a care about them. The first verse continues: “I gave my all, he hated that / Took him a while to text me back, what did I do? / But it’s better anyway.”
Essentially, all this girl wanted was some attention – some time – from this guy. In the second verse, there was some semblance of a relationship, but of course, things went south. By the bridge, speaking from her perspective with his expressive pipes, Headon, sings, “Because it’s easy to say, ‘it wasn’t right’ / Can you admit that you wasted my time?” WORD! The songwriting is a selling point, alongside potent, nuanced vocals by Thomas. Furthermore, the production (
Taka Perry, who plays various instruments) is strong on this short but sweet and honest number. I love the driving instrumental that commences during the chorus.
Final Thoughts 
All in all, Thomas Headon impresses with
“I Loved A Boy”. Bad break ups and Unrequited love are popular topics yet never grow old, period. It is incredibly intriguing that Headon sung this from somebody else’s perspective and does so quite convincingly. Fine addition to the listening rotation.
Thomas Headon •
“I Loved A Boy” •
Such A Good Company Limited •
: Brent Faulkner/The Musical Hype; Such A Good Company Limited; OpenClipart-Vectors, PIRO via Pixabay]