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5 out of 5 stars

The Mad Game, "Funny" [πŸ“·: Blaklyte]The Mad Game Release Quirky Track β€˜Funny’

Contributed by George James


he Mad Game are a red-hot electronic combo whose latest single, β€˜Funny,’ is quickly gaining popularity. If you want a dynamic vibe and a pathway unlike anything else on your playlist, this is the track for you.

β€˜Funnyβ€˜ is a cool release, with the two-piece delivering something unexpected. Furthermore, it begins with a swirling synth loop that sounds like it’s coming from afar until finally reaching our ears with a vocal sample echoing out, β€˜So what do you want to do?’ It’s a clever approach that makes the tune so captivating.

Based on this track’s flow, the band must have had a good time putting it together. It almost seems the pair are bored, possibly due to lockdown, and want to have some fun. Furthermore, it is joyful, and nothing about it is uninteresting. The thud of the beat grips us, and the vocals, which merge a female vocalist with the duo’s lead singer, provide a distinct layer to the frenetic progression.

The drop sounds similar to something from The Chain Smokers but with a more college-like vibe. It’s a club anthem, and with its rattling speaker texture, it’d be no surprise if hundreds of their adoring followers went insane when they heard it! Also, innovatively, it all culminates in a spectacular leap forward.

A great new release from this pair who are indeed about to embark on something big!

You can listen to β€˜Funnyβ€˜ by The Mad Game by clicking here.

Five out of five – George James. 

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5 out of 5 stars

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πŸŽ™ The Mad Game β€’ 🎡 Funny πŸ—“ 06.01.21
[πŸ“· : The Mad Game, Icons made by Freepik]