Reading Time: 3 min read

The Emotions, “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas”: Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶 No. 20 [📷: Brent Faulkner, Concord, cotton bro, The Musical Hype, Stax]On the 20th edition of Throwback Vibez (2021), we recollect and reflect on “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas” by The Emotions. 


he vibes, the vibes, those Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶! Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶 is a column that celebrates awesome songs from the past.  The records that grace Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶 are older, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re ancient – no fossils 🦴! All genres of music are welcome – we don’t discriminate ‘round here! On the 20th edition of Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶 (2021), we recollect and reflect on 🎵 “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas”, performed by 🎙 The Emotions.

Theme & Lyrics ✍

merry xmasIn elementary school, I can remember learning the song, 🎵 “A Time for Love”, a winter song celebrating the loveliness of December.  As an elementary music teacher, in 2021, I purposely made the effort to teach them those iconic lines, “December is a time for ho, ho, ho! / December is a time for love.” When you think Christmastime, not only do you think about the reason for the season and gifts, but you also focus on love ❤️.  That love can be for a family in general, and perhaps, more intimately, love for your significant other.  That said, what about us lonely folks on Christmas – those of us single and unattached? Well, 🏆 Grammy-winning R&B collective 🎙 The Emotions (of 🎵 “Best of My Love” notoriety) have the perfect Christmas song: 🎵 “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas” (💿 Sunshine!, 1977).

Bitmoji ImageThe Emotions mention the cliché happy aspects/elements associated with the holidays.  But the R&B collective also cites sadness thanks to loneliness.  “‘Tis the season to be jolly / But how can I be when I have nobody?” They continue, sadly singing, “The yuletide carol doesn’t make it better / Knowing that we won’t be together.” Ugh, heartbreak 💔 is a total witch (change that “w” to a “b” if you wish).  The collective references beloved, jubilant carols – 🎵 “Silent Night” and 🎵 “Joy to the World” – and essentially suggests they can’t curb the sadness.  Basically, the memories of a love expired have dimmed 🎵 “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”: “But what is left / Oh, for me to do / Now that it’s Christmas / And I don’t have you.” Yeah, The Emotions totally live up to their name, making Christmas an emotional time, adversely.  Even if it’s a bummer and buzzkill, the musical backdrop and the vocal performance are magnificent.  Also, the chorus is stellar, even if it’s unsure how to cope with the merry season:

“What do the lonely do at Christmas
Oh, what do the lonely do at Christmas time.”

Final Thoughts 💭

merry xmas poinsettiaThe Emotions may not ring in holiday cheer in the traditional sense with 🎵 “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas,” but they do deliver one of the better original Christmas songs.  This record is relatable, if in a painful way, and oozes with soul. “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas” was written by 🎼✍ Carl Mitchell Hampton and 🎼✍ Homer Banks – kudos to them! Notably, 🎙 Anthony Hamilton superbly covered this 70s soul Christmas classic on his 2014 Christmas album, 💿 Home for the Holidays – check it out and add it to that holiday playlist 🎅🏿!

🎙 The Emotions💿 Sunshine!🏷 Stax / Concord • 🗓 XXXX
The Emotions, “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas”: Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶 No. 20 [📷: Brent Faulkner, Concord, cotton bro,  The Musical Hype, Stax]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.