Reading Time: 2 min read

3 out of 5 stars

The 1975, Notes on a Conditional Form [Photo Credit: Interscope]Matthew Healy and The 1975 drops the infatuated “Me & You Together Song,” the fourth advance single from Notes on a Conditional Form

It’s safe to say, you never know what exactly Matthew Healy has up his sleeves.  The 1975 is certainly best characterized as an alternative collective.  Throughout their career, they’ve incorporated rock, pop, and even emulated gospel on a personal favorite song, “If I Believe You”.  Given their unpredictability, each new song from the band is often surprising.  That can be positive or negative (wasn’t a fan of “TOOTIMETOOTIMETOO TIME”).  “Me & You Together Song” is definitely true to self – rather the band – released as the fourth single in advance of Notes on a Conditional Form (April 24, 2020).


The sound of “Me & You Together Song” is quite loud. There’s a lot going on – too much to be precise. How so? Well, the backdrop just doesn’t let up; it’s robust.  That robustness comes from the bright, rhythmic guitars, which are quite pronounced in the mix. One questions the balance here, particularly when you throw Healy’s lead vocals, as well as backing vocals into the mix.  Additionally, there’s a big bass line and of course, anchoring drums.  For me, the production might be the biggest rub; it just doesn’t quite gel.


Beyond the sound, we get into the songwriting and theme.  Infatuation.  The chorus sums it up soundly:

“I’ve been in love with her for ages
And I can’t seem to get it right
I fell in love with her in stages
My whole life.”

This is simple and quite relatable – nothing objectionable.  Throughout the verses, Matthew Healy fills in the blanks about his love, specifically his mishaps and quirks.  On the first verse, he sings, “I can’t remember when we met / Because she didn’t have a top on.” You dog! Then on the second verse, there some queerness, supposedly: “I’m sorry that I’m kinda queer, it’s not as weird as it appears /… Oh, it’s okay, lots of people think I’m gay.” Wow, Matty, wow! By the end, he emphasizes how long he’s been totally into her – “ages, and ages.”

Final Thoughts 

Well… isn’t this some kind of single?  “Me & You Together Song” is a mixed bag for me.  I’m not as high on the music itself, which sounds overblown and could use a bit more musicality regarding the balance and contrast.  That said, thematically, Healy expressing his infatuation as well as his own idiosyncrasies is fair and relatable – no fault there.  Overall, it’s imperfect but enjoyable enough.

3 out of 5 stars

The 1975 • Notes on a Conditional Form • Interscope • Release: 4.24.20
Photo Credit: Interscope


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.