On the 5th edition of Sunday Refresh (2022), we’re uplifted by Tamela Mann performing, “Touch from You.”
elcome to Sunday Refresh“Oh Lord, we need a touch from you / We really need a touch from you.” I concur, Tamela Mann, I concur! When things get arduous, who better to call than The Most High
? Furthermore, in this crazy, cruel world, we could totally use J-E-S-U-S! On the gorgeous, moving gospel ballad
“Touch from You” (
Overcomer, 2021), Mann praises God, asserting we – the world – are in dire need of his wonderworking power.
“Lord, we need to hear your voice
Our hearts are open, we have no choice
Oh Lord, we need a touch from you
We really need a touch from you
Send your latter rain.”
Think of “Touch from You” as a petition to God – calling out to him for help. Whether you’re devout, ‘spiritual,’ or non-religious, the fact is, we all need assistance at some point. The load is too heavy to carry alone, even if we’d prefer to carry it alone. This is the point Mann makes on this uplifting gem: “Can you hear the voices of your people crying out? / Lord, we need you now, send your grace.” Hopefully, “Touch from You” provides that spiritual, Sunday Refresh to the same degree as it does for me
Tamela Mann •
Overcomer •
TillyMann Music Group •
Tamela Mann, “Touch from You”: Sunday Refresh
No. 5 (2022) [
: Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype, TillyMann Music Group, Zac Durant on Unsplash]