Reading Time: 3 min read

3.5 out of 5 stars

SuperM, The 1st Mini Album [Photo Credits: SM Entertainment / Capitol]K-pop supergroup SuperM, comprised of seven members from Shinee, Exo, and NCT, shine on their debut EP, SuperM – The 1st Mini Album.

Unless you’ve totally been living under a rock, K-pop is a big deal in the United States these days.  Yes, every time BTS drops a new project, it’s an event.  No, K-pop hasn’t quite reached the same mania or commercial success of the pop boybands of the late 90s and early 00s, but the Korean pop collectives certainly impact the Billboard charts.  SuperM is no different, with the group’s The 1st Mini Album debuting at no. 1 on the Billboard 200. Interestingly, this supergroup is comprised of seven members from various other K-pop groups: Taemin (SHINee), Baekhyun and Kai (Exo), and Taeyong, Ten, Mark, and Lucas (NCT).  The 1st Mini Album is comprised of only five tracks that run a mere 18 minutes, but the EP packs a punch, nonetheless.


Most of the energetic opener, “Jopping,” is in English.  There are still some select moments with some Korean words and phrases, which adds even more character to this certified bop.  Where does the energy of “Jopping” come from? The name itself suggests energy, combining the words ‘jumping’ and ‘popping’ in totally swag-a-licious fashion.  Furthermore, the production is sleek to the nth degree, set in a minor key.  “Jopping” is well-rounded, incorporating rapping and singing soundly.  It’s also incredibly catchy, particularly the spirited pre-chorus and chorus – “You know how we get down (Jopping).”

“I Can’t Stand the Rain” may have a hard act to follow, but mammoth-like drums and continual, slick, sparkling synths bode well for SuperM.  Adding to the superb backdrop are sensational vocal performances.  The falsetto is abundant, while the rhymes are dripped in swagger.  There are far more Korean moments compared to “Jopping,” something that continues down the track list, but the key lyrics from the chorus instantly latch:

“I can’t stand the rain anymore
I can’t stand the cold any longer.”

“2 Fast”  

Most of the third/middle song of The 1st Mini Album, “2 Fast,” is performed in Korean. One of the things that stands out about this record is the agility – how impressive SuperM rap and sing.  Sure, unless you’re fluent in Korean or roughly translate the lyrics, you likely won’t understand what is being said.  Even so, the vibe is killer to the nth degree. Besides the agility of the lines, another cool thing to note about “2 Fast” is how the bridge, though brief, appears to come totally out of left field.  It’s definitely a nice change of pace that eliminates any sense of predictability.

“Super Car” has more of a hip-hop sensibility compared to the records that precede it. Of course, hip-hop in 2019 encompasses elements of R&B as well.  Once more, SuperM make the smart choice to deliver the chorus in English, giving stateside fans a great way to further connect to the music.

“…Vroom, like a black car, ay
…Taking control
You just wanna follow my lead
When I'm in my zone
We just keep on going and going
Don't stop.”

The beat of “Super Car” is one of the very best of The 1st Mini Album.  The collective closes things out strongly with the cool, smooth, and captivating “No Manners.” Most of the English arrives on the third verse, as opposed to the majority of the record.  Of course, once again, the chorus continues to be one of the selling points, led by the ‘hook line.’

Final Thoughts 

Will SuperM – The 1st Mini Album by K-pop supergroup SuperM change your life? Eh, probably not.  But, The 1st Mini Album is a blast to listen to from start to finish, which is, again, all of 18 minutes.  What makes this effort successful is sleek production, awesome vocals dripping in swagger, bars that also drip in swagger, and catchy choruses.  Also, if you are big on things that are aesthetically pleasing, purchasing a physical edition of The 1st Mini Album gives you a poster to ‘fan girl’ over, as well as a thick booklet.  Yeah, The 1st Mini Album is the total package.  So is SuperM for that matter!

Gems: “Jopping” & “I Can’t Stand the Rain”

3.5 out of 5 stars

SuperM • SuperM – The 1st Mini Album • SM Entertainment / UMG Recordings, Inc. • Release: 10.4.19
Photo Credits: SM Entertainment / UMG Recordings, Inc.


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.