Reading Time: 3 min read

Summer Walker, “No Love”: After Dark 🕛 🌃 No. 15 (2022) [📷: Brent Faulkner, cottonbro, Darkmoon_Art, Interscope, JJ Whitley, Ketut Subiyanto, KoolShooters, LRVN, Luan Queiros, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay, Tazz Vaughn]On the 15th edition of After Dark (2022), we explore the naughty, risqué, & sexual vibes behind, “No Love” by Summer Walker featuring SZA. 

Summer Walker, Still Over It [📷: LVRN / Interscope]


nnuendo? More like full-on sexual vibes! Welcome to After Dark 🕛 🌃, a column featuring songs that are best suited for nighttime, specifically, the bedroom.  Many of the records featured here raise eyebrows, as well as the temperature! These After Dark tunes focus on the universal three-letter word:  SEX. The dark records gracing After Dark are old and new alike, with all genres of music welcome.  On the 15th edition of After Dark (2022), we explore the naughty, risqué, & sexual vibes behind, 🎵 “No Love” by 🎙 Summer Walker featuring 🎙 SZA.

Theme & Lyrics ✍ 

Bitmoji Image“But if I had you back, all I wanna do is fuck / Get drunk, take drugs…” In the chorus of her 💿 Still Over It standout, 🎵 “No Love” the 🎙 Summer Walker adds, “All lust, there will be no lovin’ you.” So, basically, Summer doesn’t want to get in her feelings, getting emotionally attached – she just wants to have fun. Fair enough! After Dark 🕛 🌃 advocates sex positivity!

Bitmoji ImageWalker is joined by 🏆 Grammy-nominated R&B artist, 🎙 SZA, who provides her own rationale for “No Love.” “If I did it all again / I would give, like ten percent,” she sings, continuing, “You deserve, like, half of that / I’ma need my money back.” Damn, he must’ve really did her wrong! Of course, like her ‘sista in crime,’ it’s about pleasure without attachment: “Give me what I want, I don’t need it / Just CC me, just VV me, just that dick when I call / No more feelings involved, I done seen all I need to.”  Again, if it’s NOT crystal clear, “No Love” is about S-E-X!

Bitmoji ImageWell… there’s a little more to it. Summer Walker, who drops a third verse, is literally STILL OVER IT! Why? She’s been hurt by love – specifically a lame dude – hence why she’s embracing pleasure without connection. “Funny now that you callin’, that you ringin’ my line /… Tell me what’s changed, is it my status? Is it my fame/ Is it my pockets? Is it my change?” So, after playing around with other girls, he wants her back because of the clout, the drip, etc.  NO SIR!

Final Thoughts 💭

Bitmoji Image“No Love” is a must-hear, period. This Still Over It gem is about sex, like we like on After Dark 🕛 🌃, but what’s most interesting is why Summer Walker and SZA are in this position.  Fascinating! Also, worth mentioning, how about that smooth production work by 🎛 FORTHENIGHT & 🎛 Sonni (BR)? They stitched up this joint for the ladies!

Appears in 🔽:

🎙 Summer Walker💿 Still Over It 🏷 LRVN / Interscope • 📅 2021

 Summer Walker, “No Love”: After Dark 🕛 🌃 No. 15 (2022) [📷: Brent Faulkner, cottonbro, Darkmoon_Art, Interscope,  JJ Whitley, Ketut Subiyanto, KoolShooters, LRVN, Luan Queiros, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay, Tazz Vaughn]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.