17-year-old Memphis artist Son.Person exhibits ample potential in his plight of love-fueled pop single, “Loved U More.”
“But see I’ve tried, I’ve fought, for your causes / And yet, you can’t, blame me, in my leaving.” Ooh, wee! Ah, fresh blood – teenage blood
to be precise
! Okay, okay – that’s an unnecessarily, vampirical
way to kick off an introduction and review. Hopefully, it did capture your attention, though. By fresh teenage blood
, I’m referring to 17-year-old
Son.Person, an independent pop artist who’s based in Memphis, Tennessee. An ambitious young musician, Son.Person is ready to expand the scope beyond Memphis – bigger picture baby! He’s off to a solid start and his talent is on full display in his enjoyable, well-rounded single,
“Loved U More”.
“Love comes, love goes, love runs, deep inside us
But were, burnt out, run dry, so malnourished.”
There’s plenty to rave about in “Loved U More.” First and foremost, Son.Person has a fine voice. His tone is desirable, suiting this record perfectly. Taking it to the next level, he performs expressively, selling the lyrics with nuance and a degree of skill. Also, playing a key role in the success of “Loved U More” is the melody. It’s tuneful and quite easy on the ears. Thematically, this record is relatable whether you’re his age or much older. The plight of love is always fuel for the fire of a song of just about any genre. It’s readymade for pop, hence, excels with flying colors here. Essentially, Son.Person asserts his dedication to this person, but feels they didn’t reciprocate or keep the same energy:
“See, I loved you more, yes I love you more
But you left me torn, but you left me torn.”
He reflects on this ended relationship, and while he is bothered, you don’t get the impression he’s allowed it to sink him; he’s resilient.
Final Thoughts 
All in all, as mentioned earlier, Son.Person is off to a good start. He appears to be putting in work at a young age and hopefully, he reaps the benefits of a long, enduring music career. Will “Loved U More” change the world? Only time will tell but what it can do at this current moment is enhance your listening rotation. As I said before, there’s plenty to like about this one. Son.Person’s love pains are our listening pleasure
Son.Person •
“Loved U More” •
Notoriety Music Group, LLC •
: Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype, Notoriety Music Group, LLC, OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay]