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Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, “I Put a Spell on You”: Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶 No. 16 (2022) [📷: Brent Faulkner, cotton bro, Epic, The Musical Hype]On the 16th edition of Throwback Vibez (2022), we recollect and reflect on “I Put a Spell on You” by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins.   

Screamin' Jay Hawkins, At Home with Screamin’ Jay Hawkins [📷: Epic]


he vibes, the vibes, those Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶! Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶 is a column that celebrates awesome songs from the past.  The records that grace Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶 are older, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re ancient – no fossils 🦴! All genres of music are welcome – we don’t discriminate ‘round here! On the 16th edition of Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶 (2022), we recollect and reflect on 🎵 “I Put a Spell on You”, performed by 🎙 Screamin’ Jay Hawkins.

Theme & Lyrics ✍

halloween candy“I put a spell on you / Because you’re mine (oh yeah).” I’d argue one of the scariest songs of all time is 🎵 “I Put a Spell on You.”  The thing is, the often covered classic isn’t AS scary in the hands of some of the musicians who’ve covered it. 🎙 Nina Simone and 🎙 Annie Lennox both do a fantastic job, but don’t conjure up the maniacal, twisted, and terrifying nature of the original. 🎙 Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ record is spellbinding.  Listening to him ‘sing’ this record, it’s amazing this was recorded in 1956.  It’s a prime example of a record ‘before its time.’  Even 70 years later, “I Put a Spell on You” is rather shocking yet kicks some serious a$$.

Chugging BeerThe blues musician and idiosyncratic personality possessed a ‘robust’ voice – UNDERSTATEMENT.  His screams are monstrous! Of this legendary song – the 320th best per an earlier version of the 500 Greatest Songs of All TimeRolling Stone asserts:

“Former boxer Jalacy J. Hawkins got loaded on muscatel before shrieking out the hoodoo of ‘Spell on You,’ and it took a healthy swig of J&B for him to re-create his studio performance onstage, where he climbed out of a coffin.”

So, let me get this straight.  Jay was f#¢ked up while recording “I Put a Spell on You,” and when performing it on stage, climbed out of a coffin? Man, you can’t make this sugar honey iced tea up! When Screamin’ Jay Hawkins sings, “I put a spell on you / Because you’re mine,” there’s truly a creepy factor in play.  When he says, “Watch out / I ain’t lyin’,” you take him at his word – don’t mess around with that man!  Making things even creepier are the laughs… Holy s#!t!  The saxophone 🎷 solo is unsettling too!  Can you say #Creepy Sax!

Final Thoughts 💭

classicSongs like “I Put a Spell on You” only come around once in a lifetime. The moment you hear it, it sticks with you. This is a surefire, timeless classic by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins.  Despite how unsettling it is, it’s an oft-sampled record for good reason. One of my favorite examples of repurposing this terrifying gem is by 🎙 The Game (🎵 “Standing on Ferraris”).

Appears in 🔽:

🎙 Screamin’ Jay Hawkins💿 At Home with Screamin’ Jay Hawkins 🏷 Epic • 📅 1958 

Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, “I Put a Spell on You”: Throwback Vibez 🕶️🎶 No. 16 (2022) [📷: Brent Faulkner, cotton bro, Epic, The Musical Hype]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.