Reading Time: 2 min read

4 out of 5 stars

Sam Fender, Dead Boys (EP) [Photo Credit: Polydor]British singer/songwriter Sam Fender shines on single “Poundshop Kardashians” thanks to energetic production work and socially-charged songwriting.

“How am I supposed to change it? / If I can’t see the wood for the trees?” Good question!  22-year old British singer/songwriter Sam Fender doesn’t sugarcoat anything on his electrifying single, “Poundshop Kardashians.” Backed by roaring, ripe guitars, and kicking drum groove, Fender has plenty of instrumental firepower accompanying him.  Even if he didn’t, he manages to pack the biggest punch of all, with his awesome lyrics.

This begins at the top of the record:

“I drink and watch the zoo in motion

Beautiful people devoid of emotion

Sterilized, pedicured, pedigrees and mankind

Thick as fuck and soulless

And no longer fear genocide.”

Later, on the first verse, we Sam Fender delivers the title lyric in all its glory, rather, shamefulness.  The second verse is even more colorful, however, as Fender asserts, “There’s an orange-faced baby at the wheel of the ship” and “We idolize idiots / Masturbate to their sex tapes.”  Fender has nailed the art of shade perfectly.  Trump and Kardashian jabs? An epic, socially-charged theme? Awesome, awesome, AWESOME to the nth degree!

Final Thoughts

Fender, of course, goes on to add to his ‘clever rant’ beyond the aforementioned examples. “Poundshop Kardashians,” hence, is glorious by all means. He packs plenty of greatness into a tight two-minutes-and-forty seconds. If you haven’t checked out Sam Fender yet, take the opportunity to do so.  He has plenty to offer.

4 out of 5 stars

Sam Fender » Dead Boys (EP) » Polydor » Release: 11.20.18
Photo Credit: Polydor



the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.