Reading Time: 2 min read

4 out of 5 stars

Ryan Mack, Did You Love Me Ever? [πŸ“·: Brent Faulkner/The Musical Hype; Ryan Mack; OpenClipart-Vectors, PIRO via Pixabay]Pop singer/songwriter Ryan Mack shines on his relatable and vulnerable single, β€œDid You Love Me Ever?”

Love can be heaven or love can be hell.  For the talented πŸŽ™ Ryan Mack, on 🎡 β€œDid You Love Me Ever?”, the hellish side of the four-letter word gets the nod.  Singing with incredible authenticity and a gorgeous voice, Mack showcases his vulnerable side.  Even though he puts himself out there, his vulnerability is hella relatable from start to finish – we’ve been there Ryan! β€œI tried to love again / But it never felt right, it faded in the end,” he asserts in the first verse, following up with β€œI can’t believe it’s over / You’re gone, gone, gone.” Yes, his ex has him feeling some type of way. Of course, in the second verse, it’s more of the same where moving on is not possible.  Furthermore, in the second pre-chorus, he sings, β€œWhen I need someone new / I still see you.” Oh, what a bummer, especially for such a handsome, gifted man!

Ryan Mack, Did You Love Me Ever? [πŸ“·: Ryan Mack]Of course, the centerpiece of this short but potent record occurs during the chorus:

β€œWhen you said, β€˜Forever,’ I knew no better

Now looking back, was it all an act? Did you love me ever?

β€˜Cause every line and every note in every song I ever wrote

Won’t make it better if you loved me never.”

True, Ryan, true.  Besides great vocals, and the relatable and thoughtful songwriting, the sound and production (Mack and πŸŽ› Robert Grace) of  β€œDid You Love Me Ever?” is also worth mentioning.  The vocal production itself is alluring, while the keys scream reflection, sensitivity, and vulnerability.

Final Thoughts πŸ’­ 

big moodYes, love can be hell, and it is for Ryan Mack on 🎡 β€œDid You Love Me Ever?”, BUT, his pain is our listening pleasure.  β€œDid You Love Me Ever?” is two minutes and change of greatness.  Strong vocals, strong songwriting, and strong production that matches the theme and vibe of the song.  This earns my seal of approval!

4 out of 5 stars

πŸŽ™ Ryan Mack β€’ 🎡 β€œDid You Love Me Ever?” β€’ 🏷 Ryan Mack β€’ πŸ—“ 1.6.23
[πŸ“·: Brent Faulkner/The Musical Hype; Ryan Mack; OpenClipart-Vectors, PIRO via Pixabay]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.