Once again, Grammy-winning Spanish singer/songwriter ROSALÍA brings the heat on her bilingual single, “LLYLM.”
“Idon’t need honesty / Baby, LIE LIKE YOU LOVE ME, lie like you love me.” Typically, when it comes to ROSALÍA, translating from Spanish and English occurs exclusively. However, on
“LLYLM”, which is an acronym for lie like you love me, the chorus of the song, excerpted above, is performed in English! That means that “LLYLM” is a bilingual single. The verses and the bridge are performed in ROSALÍA’s native language, Spanish. Examining the chorus, however, the fact that she’s willing to accept lies is, um, a bit disturbing.
As always, ROSALÍA delivers ample personality while singing. I love the sound of her voice, particularly in the chorus, showing a kinder, gentler side. There is a vulnerability given the fact that big bad love – infatuation, it seems – has reared its ugly head. As always, the production is well-rounded, if less ornate than other songs she’s recorded. Still, the rhythm goes hard, the expectation when it comes to Latin pop. In the first verse, she asserts [translated], “The one I love, doesn’t love me / As I want him to love me.” Oh, snap ! In the second, she asserts herself as a mami, seeking his attention and affection. All of it leads to the centerpiece, the chorus, where, again, ROSALÍA seems to be willing to settle for less.
Final Thoughts
Does ROSALÍA ever release a bad record? No, plain and simple.
“LLYLM” marks another bright spot for the Spanish standout. The contrast served up on “LLYLM” is welcome, showcasing the versatility of this marvelous musician. That said, ladies and gents, don’t settle for less – dishonesty and such – when it comes to love!
Columbia •
: Brent Faulkner/The Musical Hype; Columbia; OpenClipart-Vectors, PIRO via Pixabay]