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3.5 out of 5 stars

Robin Thicke, Testify [Photo Credit: Thicke Music / EMPIRE]Following a devastating, tumultuous couple of years, Robin Thicke ‘gets back on track’ with his authentic, honest, and soulful 2018 single, “Testify.”

Cutting straight to the chase, Robin Thicke has had a rough couple of years.  Following the biggest hit song and hit album of his career, he lost an infamous plagiarism lawsuit.  Furthermore, he experienced a divorce, lost his father, Alan, as well as recorded the absolute worst album of his career, Paula.  Adding more pouring rain, Paula was an ‘epic’ flop.  Since the 2014 travesty, Thicke has released a couple of singles, though none has taken off.  Could his latest attempt, “Testify,” get Robin back on track? It seems like that’s the case listening to “Testify.”

There are a number of reasons why “Testify” is a ‘win’ for Robin Thicke.  First and foremost, he’s honest about the tribulation and adversity he’s experienced over the last couple of years.  On the first verse, he focuses on familial issues – “And I lost my father suddenly / Couldn’t keep it together, my family.” On the second verse, he references losing his job, and a miscarriage with his girlfriend.  Because of all the storms that have bogged him down, he uses this silky-smooth, soulful guitar-fueled record as his affirmation of love and also, faith, best exemplified on the chorus:

“I testify, I pledge allegiance to you

This love inside, it makes me come back to you

I testify, I pledge allegiance to you

Live or die, I always come back to you.”

While Thicke isn’t explicit about God, he makes enough spiritual references that it seems that’s important to him as well, at least to some extent.  The bridge is a perfect example, where he references ‘angels’:

“Broken free from the chains that binded me

Like an angel with brand new wings

I can be anything I wanna be

I can love myself again.”

Final Thoughts

All in all, “Testify” seems like a step in the right direction for Robin Thicke.  While nothing about this smooth blue-eyed soul cut screams ‘commercial smash,’ it’s a fine return to form considering his artistry.  It’s not particularly flashy, but vocally, Thicke sounds absolutely amazing, yet another reason why this particular single is a ‘win.’

3.5 out of 5 stars

Robin Thicke • Testify [Single] • Thicke Music / EMPIRE • Release: 12.12.18
Photo Credits: Thicke Music / EMPIRE


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.