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Rise: 3BOPS No. 43 (2021) [📷: Brent Faulkner, Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay, Free-Photos from Pixabay, The Musical Hype]On the 43rd edition of 3BOPS, we select three awesome songs that are associated with the word RISE in some form or fashion.

On 3BOPS, we are totally dedicated to keeping things L-I-T-E! Similar to 5ive Songs, there’s a topic and a short blurb, only with THREE songs instead of FIVE.  Yes, it’s a playlist, but it’s a miniature playlist that shouldn’t take much time to consume.  On the 43rd edition of 3BOPS, we select three awesome songs that are associated with the word RISE in some form or fashion.


1. Tyler, The Creator, “Rise!”


💿 CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST🏷 Columbia • 📅 2021

Tyler, The Creator, CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST [📷: Columbia]“When I rise to the top / I’m tellin’ you right now / I’m tellin’ you right now / Oh, I’ll show you something.” 🎵 “Rise!” marks an utterly superb moment from 💿 CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST, the 2021 studio album by 🏆 Grammy winning rapper, 🎙 Tyler, The Creator. On “Rise,” Tyler enlists 🎙 DAISY WORLD for the assist.  Furthermore, he produces alongside 🎛 Jamie xx, one of rare moments he isn’t the sole person behind the boards.  The result of the collaboration is one of the best backdrops of the entire album.  Those syncopated drums and synths – woo!

As I listen, I hear the influence of say, The Neptunes, one of the greatest production teams of all time.  Throw in the jazzy harmonic scheme as a big-time selling point.  Of course, it should be noted both Tyler, The Creator and DAISY WORLD give spirited performance – ‘rising’ to the occasion (“With the rockets in my mind, yeah / I could touch the sky, I don’t see any ceilings”)! “Rise!” is one of the best of CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST.

2. R. Kelly, “Rise Up”

💿 Double Up🏷 Zomba • 📅 2007

R. Kelly, Double Up [📷: Jive]🎙 R. Kelly doesn’t mention Virginia Tech Massacre perpetrator Seung-Hui Cho anywhere in 🎵 “Rise Up” (💿 Double Up, 2007).  Instead, Kelly focuses on the victims and moving forward.  Often, serial killers and mass shooters become famous after their crimes, which is disgusting. We, society, are guilty of letting that happen.

“Rise Up” is an uplifting, inspirational song that was penned and dedicated to the victims of the 2007 school shooting.  This beautiful song is about finding strength – moving beyond indescribable pain, devastation, and senseless loss.

“And we will cry together
And we’ll fight this together
And we’ll be strong together
Stand together, pray together
Rise up, when you feel you can’t go on
Rise up, when all of your hope is gone
Rise up, when you’re weak and you can’t be strong
Rise, rise up.”

Also appears on 🔽:

🔗 🎧 10 Songs About Mass Murderers

🔗 🎧 10 Thoughtful Songs Arriving in the Aftermath of Tragedy

3. Andra Day, “Rise Up”

💿 Cheers to the Fall • 🏷 Buskin / Warner • 📅 2015

Andra Day, Cheers to the Fall [📷: Buskin/ Warner]R&B singer and 🏆 award-winning actress 🎙 Andra Day left her imprint on the music world in 2015. Her terrific debut album, 💿 Cheers to the Fall, didn’t get the commercial love it deserved.  Regardless, the signature moment from Cheers, 🎵 “Rise Up,” ranks among not only the best songs of 2015, but one of the best of the 2010s.

“Rise Up” is uplifting – clearly meant to inspire. All indications suggest that the inspiration comes from another person, hence the song is told from the perspective of a relationship: “But I’ll promise we’ll take the world to its feet / And move mountains.” The best moment comes on the chorus.  The words are simple, but thoughtful.  Furthermore, Day’s vocal execution is stunning.

“And I’ll rise up
I’ll rise like the day
I’ll rise up
I’ll rise unafraid
I’ll rise up
And I’ll do it a thousand times again.”`

Rise: 3BOPS No. 43 (2021) [📷: Brent Faulkner, Buskin, Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay, Columbia, Free-Photos from Pixabay,  The Musical Hype, Warner, Wilson Blanco from Pixabay, Zomba]

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.