Reading Time: 2 min read

4 out of 5 stars

Rina Sawayama, “Catch Me in the Air” [📷 : Dirty Hit]Rina Sawayama gets personal on “Catch Me in the Air,” the second single from her sophomore album, Hold The Girl

Rina Sawayama, Hold the Girl [📷: Dirty Hit]


nly took nine months and a lot of love / Carried all our dreams and she’s ready now, ooh.” 🎙 Rina Sawayama follows up her first single from 💿 Hold The Girl, 🎵 “This Hell”, with another terrific record, 🎵 “Catch Me in the Air”.  In “Catch Me in the Air,” the Japanese-British singer/songwriter gets personal, singing about her relationship with her mother.  There is undoubtedly a special bond, particularly considering her mom was a single mother.

Rina Sawayama, “Catch Me in the Air” [📷 : Dirty Hit]“I ran away where clouds kiss the mountain peaks,” Sawayama sings in the pre-chorus, continuing, “I was afraid, but you put the wings on me / Feet on edge.” Ah, such great lyrics! Throughout “Catch Me in the Air,” the songwriting, as well as the vocals, are on-point.  Besides the honest and thoughtful lyrics, the production is well-rounded, successfully capturing a pop/rock vibe. “Catch Me in the Air” showcases Sawayama’s artistic range as well, clearly separating itself from the first single from Hold The Girl, “This Hell”.  Besides strong vocals, strong songwriting, and impressive instrumentals, shout out the harmonic progression too.  While “Catch Me in the Air” has some standard chords, there are also some harmonic surprises, which keep things interesting.

Final Thoughts 💭 

Bitmoji ImageAll told, Rina Sawayama has another gem on her hands with 🎵 “Catch Me in the Air”.  The theme and lyrics are marvelous – I love the personal nature of this record.  The pop/rock vibes are electric – this sound suits Rina.  Finally, great vocals and ample personality bode well in Japanese-Brit artist’s favor. Lots to heart about this song and even more to heart about Rina!

4 out of 5 stars

🎙 Rina Sawayama • 💿 Hold The Girl🏷 Dirty Hit • 🗓 9.2.22
[📷: Brent Faulkner, Dirty Hit, The Musical Hype, OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.