Reading Time: 3 min read

Revelation: 3BOPS No. 15 (2021) [📷: Brent Faulkner, Catalin Baicu from Pixabay, The Musical Hype]On this edition of 3BOPS, we select three awesome songs that are associated with a REVELATION in some form or fashion.  

On 3BOPS, we are totally dedicated to keeping things L-I-T-E! Similar to 5ive Songs, there’s a topic and a short blurb, only with THREE songs instead of FIVE.  Yes, it’s a playlist, but it’s a miniature playlist that shouldn’t take much time to consume.  On this edition of 3BOPS, we select three awesome songs that are associated with a REVELATION in some form or fashion.

1. Troye Sivan & Jónsi, “Revelation (From Boy Erased)”

🎵 “Revelation” from Boy Erased 🏷 Back Lot Music • 📅 2018

Danny Bensi & Saunder Jurriaans, Boy Erased Soundtrack [📷: Back Lot Music]“It’s a rocky road / To say, ‘maybe I won’t go’ / Hey dear, you’re a wrecking ball / And you’re here crushing all I’m told.” 🎙 Troye Sivan and 🎙 Jónsi (of 🎙 Sigur Rós) brilliantly capture the sentiment and theme of the film, 🎦 Boy Erased, on the song, 🎵 “Revelation.” “Revelation” is clearly a scream for liberation. Such liberation references sexuality itself as well as escaping the confines of religion in regard to sexuality.

The South African-Australian singer/songwriter is perfectly suited for this deliberately paced, reflective ballad (Jónsi provides background vocals, in addition to writing and co-producing). It’s relatable to anyone, regardless of sexuality, who’ve been told that they shouldn’t be the with the person they truly wanted to be with.  Well-sung, well-produced, and well-written, “Revelation” is absolutely gorgeous.

2. Marilyn Manson, “Revelation #12”

💿 Heaven Upside Down🏷 Loma Vista Recordings • 📅 2017

Marilyn Manson, Heaven Upside Down [📷: Loma Vista]“We’ll paint the town red; we’ll paint the town red / With the blood of the tourists.” Holy shit – 🎵 “Revelation #12” commences 💿 Heaven Upside Down hellishly. Perhaps that’s a cliché for 🎙 Marilyn Manson, but the front man and band roar from the jump on this opener from their 2017 LP.

In addition to the ‘colorful’ lyrics, the guitars are jagged, and vocally, Manson himself is ‘super turned up.’ Everything about “Revelation #12” feels damned – understatement.  To quote the embattled musician, “You’re fucking welcome.”

3. Sunday Service Choir, “Revelations 19:1”

💿 Jesus is Born📅 2019

Sunday Service Choir, Jesus is Born [📷: 2019 INC]Among the best moments of 💿 Jesus is Born, the debut album by 🎙 Sunday Service Choir is 🎵 “Revelation 19:1.” Notably, “Revelation 19:1” was sampled in 🎵 “Selah”, one of the best songs from 💿 JESUS IS KING, the 2019 Christian rap album by 🎙 Kanye West (specifically the “hallelujah” section is highlight).

As it’s its own entity, “Revelation 19:1” is incredibly ear caching, with its robust, uplifting vocals and dedication to praising God. Even if religion isn’t your cup of tea, one can’t help but be impressed by the musicianship and the spirit exhibited by the collective.

Revelation: 3BOPS No. 15 (2021) [📷: Back Lot Music, Brent Faulkner, Catalin Baicu from Pixabay, Loma Vista, The Musical Hype, Sunday Service Choir]

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.