Reading Time: 2 min read

4 out of 5 stars

Restless Modern, Things for the Future [Photo Credit: RM Reach]Restless Modern continues his music ascent on “Things for the Future,” delivering thoughtful, relatable lyrics, balanced production, and honest vocals.

Hits are what you make of them.  For some people, hits are measured by the amount of sales, streams, and social buzz earned.  Personally, hits are well-crafted songs that may or may not make a bow on the Billboard Hot 100, or perhaps even the Bubbling Under chart.  Restless Modern, like many independent musicians, may not be releasing ‘commercial’ hits, but he’s certainly producing a strong collection of music early-on in his career.  “Things for the Future” keeps an impressive run of new music going.

✓ Also Check OutGetting to Know… Restless Modern | Interview

What makes “Things for the Future” another success for Restless Modern? There are three keys: Songwriting, production, and vocals.  As he’s matured, RM continues to write meaningful, personal, and thoughtful lyrics, as opposed to inauthentic, immature ones.  On Genius, of “Things for the Future,” he describes the record as “a song about looking forward and being with the person you love.” That’s certainly relatable, and the lyrics confirm such. “Baby, we breathe / Something extra in our air / Giving color to our hair and both our eyes / Our eyes,” he sings on the chorus, continuing, “And I say / Baby, to me / There is nothing to despair / Although times are getting harder / I am sure we’re getting there / Slowly.”

Beyond the lyricism and relatable theme, the production is also strong.  “Things for the Future” sits somewhere between pop and electronic, a sound that suits Restless Modern.  The electronic component arrives after the choruses, much like many EDM records. Like his previous productions, he never overproduces, understanding the importance of balancing ideas, layers, and incorporating space. Finally, but not least, are his vocals.  Once more, RM delivers an authentic, honest performance.  Balance remains is the keyword, as he never over-sings or grows over-indulgent.

Final Thoughts

Once again, if you haven’t checked out Restless Modern, please do so.  This rising musician has a lot to offer, and definitely brings a lot of heart into his music.  “Things for the Future” is a perfect example of that ‘heart’ – rather ‘matters of the heart’ – being on full display. Again, it thrives thanks to lyricism, production, and a respectable vocal performance.

4 out of 5 stars

Restless Modern » Things for the Future [Single] » RM Reach » Release: 11.9.18
Photo Credit: RM Reach

the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.