This Throwback Thursday, we travel back to 1977 with Randy Newman and his dark, classic, “In Germany Before the War” from Little Criminals.
Ah, Throwback Thursday (TBT) looks back at songs that have truly captivated or stuck with me for whatever reason. In some cases, there’s a compelling story or memorable happening behind the fangirling. For Throwback Thursday, dated May 28, 2020, we look to Randy Newman and his dark classic, “In Germany Before the War” from his 1977 album, Little Criminals.
“In German before the war / There was a man who owned a store / In nineteen hundred thirty-four / In Düsseldorf…” Randy Newman is a marvelous musician. While his distinct, expressive voice is fantastic in itself, his songwriting is his best attribute. “In Germany Before the War” is one of his most beautiful songs, though the source of inspiration for the record isn’t beautiful. Newman based “In Germany Before the War” on the crimes committed by a serial killer in the 1931 film M. However, part of the inspiration behind the film was a real-life German serial killer named Peter Kürten (1883 – 1931). Kürten has been nicknamed The Vampire of Düsseldorf as well as the Düsseldorf Monster.
“A little girl has lost her way With hair of gold and eyes of gray Reflected in his glasses As he watches her A little girl has lost her way With hair of gold and eyes of gray… We lie beneath the autumn sky My little golden girl and I And she lies very still.”
“In Germany Before the War” has appeared on numerous playlists including 33 Great, If Disturbing Songs About Serial Killers, 11 Songs Where the ‘Before’ is Key, and 12 Simply Terrific Before or After Songs.
Randy Newman • Little Criminals • Warner • 1977
Randy Newman, “In Germany Before the War” | Throwback Thursday
[Photo Credits: Brent Faulkner, kalhh, The Musical Hype, Pixabay, Prettysleepy, Warner]