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Pusha T, “I Pray For You”: Rap BNGRZ 🔥 No. 14 (2022) [📷: Brent Faulkner, cottonbro, Def Jam, Getting Out Our Dreams, Inc., The Musical Hype, Pexels, RODNAE Productions, WoodysMedia]In the 14th edition of Rap BNGRZ 🔥 (2022), we break down the banger status of “I Pray for You” performed by Pusha T.  

Pusha T, It's Almost Dry [📷: Getting Out Our Dreams, Inc. / Def Jam]

Bring on the braggadocio, drip, sex, and kick-a$$ery – is that even a real word?

Regardless of whether it is or isn’t, you’ve entered Rap BNGRZ 🔥 territory! On Rap BNGRZ 🔥 (bangers, spelled properly), the premise is simple and like other columns gracing The Musical Hype (Outlandish Rock 🎸🤘 is its rock brotha from a different motha). BNGRZ provides background info and commentary on cocky, confident, ferocious hip-hop/rap songs. The bangers featured on BNGRZ can be brand-spanking-new or certified classics. In the 14th  edition of Rap BNGRZ 🔥 (2022), we break down the banger status of 🎵 “I Pray for You” performed by 🎙 Pusha T featuring 🎙 Labrinth, 🎙 Malice, and 🎙 Clipse.

Theme & Lyrics ✍

🎙 Pusha T excels at rap.  That’s an understatement.  It seems that anytime he releases a new album, there is no shortage of highlights.   That’s the case with his 2022 album, 💿 It’s Almost Dry.  Sigh, what an epic name for a project, especially considering the 🎙 Clipse standout excels at coke rap. That’s right! No Pusha T project is complete without the rock! Anyways, the 🏆 Grammy-nominated rapper concludes It’s Almost Dry with a surefire banger, 🎵 “I Pray for You”. “I Pray for You” features 🎙 Labrinth, who also produces alongside 🎛 Ye (aka Kanye West), and the other half of Clipse, his brother, 🎙 Malice.  With Push and Malice rarely collaborating anymore, the fact that they do on “I Pray for You” makes this rap banger that much more special.

Labrinth gets the first big moment of “I Pray for You.” He performs the enigmatic intro (or chorus) beautifully.  Basically, as the title suggests, he prays for everybody, including “for the ones who won’t betray me again” and “killers.”  It sets up Pusha T for an epic verse where he goes H.A.M.  He kicks things off turned up, asserting, “Rarely do you see the Phoenix rise from the ashes / Lightnin’ struck twice on four classics.” Woo! From there, it’s kick-ass line after kick-ass line whether referencing a 2009 Jay-Z gem, coke, more coke, and reuniting with Malice for this BANGER:

“The past ten years, screamin’, Uno

Then side step back into the duo

The kings of the Pyrex

I’m my brother’s keeper if you listen and you dissect

All I talk is money if you listen to my dialect.”

Woo! Malice comes back with a vengeance in the second verse.  Like his brother, there is no shortage of ether-laden lines.  Some of my favorite rhymes he spits arrive at the end, prior to the Labrinth outro:

“Faith never wavered as I walked along the fence

Faith moves mountains, so what are you up against?

Watch my brother ’round you bitches, I know he pretends

I greet you with the love of God, that don’t make us friends

I might whisper in his ear, ‘Bury all of them’

Light another tiki torch and carry it again

Back up on my high horse, it’s chariots again

Put the ring back on her finger, marry it again.”

Straight heat 🔥 🔥 🔥!!! Also, I can’t neglect that backdrop! That organ is everything!

Final Thoughts 💭 

fire sunglassesMy question is when will Pusha T finally win that Grammy? He’s one of the best rappers in my opinions and not only is 🎵 “I Pray for You” evidence but so is the totality of 💿 It’s Almost Dry.  It’s great to hear him back with Malice and maybe, just maybe, Malice steals the show! Banger through and through!

🎙 Pusha T • 💿 It’s Almost Dry🏷 Getting Out Our Dreams, Inc. / Def Jam • 🗓 2022

Pusha T, “I Pray For You”: Rap BNGRZ 🔥 No. 14 (2022) [📷: Brent Faulkner, cottonbro, Def Jam, Getting Out Our Dreams, Inc., The Musical Hype, Pexels, RODNAE Productions, WoodysMedia]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.