In the 19th edition of FIERCE Pop + Rock 
, we highlight “Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)” performed by Paul Revere and the Raiders.
Bring on the bold, FIERCE tracks! FIERCE Pop + Rock provides background information and insight into pop, rock, and metal songs that raise eyebrows and stir the pot. Featured records can be classic or brand new. In the 19th edition of FIERCE Pop + Rock
(2023), we explore
“Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)” performed by
Paul Revere and the Raiders.
“They took the whole Cherokee nation / Put us on this reservation / Took away our ways of life / The tomahawk and the bow and knife.” Sigh, what a [bleep] shame
. Of course,
“Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)” is merely a song. Still, this classic, penned by
John D. Loudermilk (a white country musician/songwriter), does consider the history of Native Americans, specifically the Cherokees, being driven out of their lands by – wait for it – white folks
. Shocking, right (Rhetorical question, and you don’t have to be woke to know the answer). Anyways, the most popular and successful version of the song arrives courtesy of
Paul Revere and the Raiders. Yes, just let that name sink in, and listen to the lyrics/message of the song (“Took away our native tongue / And taught their English to our young”).
Despite a lie Loudermilk told regarding the inspiration for writing the song, as well as the name of the band who earned a no. 1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100 with it, “Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)” is a classic. Paul Revere and company truly put their stamp on it with the instrumentation and production. Keys including organ, guitars, vibraphone – decadent ear candy for a crossover audience!
Mark Lindsay sounds epic singing the lead vocals as he stands up for the – wait for it – “CHEROKEE PEOPLE, CHEROKEE TRIBE / So proud to live, so proud to die!” Interestingly, in the second verse, while the Cherokee has adapted to unfortunate changes (“Though I wear a shirt and tie”), he is still who he was, somewhat (“I’m still part red man deep inside”). Of course, it should be noted that red man/redskin is considered offensive today. Of course, Disney did far worse with
“What Makes The Red Man Red?” from Peter Pan – a children’s movie, mind you
! All told,
“Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)” is a surefire rock classic.
Paul Revere and the Raiders •
Indian Reservation •
Sony Music Entertainment •
Paul Revere and the Raiders, “Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)”: FIERCE Pop + Rock 
No. 19 (2023) [
: Brent Faulkner / The Musical Hype; Sony Music Entertainment; Conna Lee, Madelin Berry, anna-m. w., Johan Duran, RODNAE Productions via Pexels; Pete Linforth via Pixabay]