Americana/Country singer/songwriter Paul Cauthen wants the world to know just how country he is on “Country as Fuck.”
all it country / Country as fuck.” Well, that’s an on-the-nose lyric,The question is, how serious do we take Mr. Cauthen? Um, well… The good news for “Country as Fuck” is it has its pros. One pro is the groove, which incites the body to M-O-V-E. Another plus is the approach by Cauthen, who quasi-sings and quasi-raps rhythmically, often in an undertone. Making himself pop culturally relevant, he references Lil Nas X and Tim McGraw (“Call me Lil Nas / Call me Tim McGraw / Not a moment too soon / I had horses in the stall”). He also manages later to shade country royalty – Kenny Chesney! “I was driving tractors before it got sexy / Real cowboys don’t rock to Kenny Chesney.” Damn! Besides colorful pop cultural references, Paul spends plenty of time confirming his country status, including trips to Piggly Wiggly, hunting, and of course, FISHING. Did we mention that this man is country as fuccckkk?
Final Thoughts 
So, how does “Country as Fuck” stack up? Personally, I’d consider this a novelty record that you should take with a ‘grain of salt.’ Many country musicians have recorded songs about their country cred – it’s a country thang. That said, with a shocking f-bomb in the title, some colorful pop culture references, and ample personality, Cauthen has crafted a unique, must-hear, unapologetically country record.
Paul Cauthen •
Country Coming Down •
Velvet Rose / Thirty Tigers •
: Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype, OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay, Thirty Tigers, Velvet Rose]