Raheem DeVaughn maintains the utmost consistency on his latest studio album, 'Love Sex Passion.' While not game changing, 'Love Sex Passion' is sound.
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~ The Musical Hype ~
Oscar Winners for Best Original Song, 2005 – 2015
Over the past decade, there've been great and puzzling Oscar wins for Original Song. Many losers should’ve been recognized, but favorites don't always win.
Drake Is In the Zone on ‘If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late’
Drake shocks the world by releasing an unexpected mixtape, 'If You're Reading This It's Too Late'. Mixtape or not, Drake is clearly "in the zone."
Father John Misty, I Love You, Honeybear | Album Review
Every harmonic progression, orchestration, and musical push feel as if Father John Misty sought nothing short of perfection on I Love You, Honeybear.
Björk, Vulnicura | Album Review 💿
Icelandic musician Björk's surprise album 'Vulnicura' is sure to make alt-music fans and nerds "giggle like schoolgirls with glee."