In the eighth edition of Wacky Wednesday (2025), we break down the unique song, “I’d Really Like To Get In Your Pants, Because I Just Shit Mine” performed by Obscurest Vinyl.
Do you know what day it is? It is Wednesday, folks! Do you know what that means? Why, it is Wacky Wednesday! In the spirited column Wacky Wednesday, we analyze, break down, and explore songs from various musicians of various genres that can be considered unique, unusual, or ‘wacky.’ These songs can be new or old; the only requirement is that they ‘catch the ears’ because of their distinctiveness. So, with the background established, in the eighth edition of Wacky Wednesday (2025), we break down the unique song, “I’d Really Like To Get In Your Pants, Because I Just Shit Mine” performed by Obscurest Vinyl. Wacky Wednesday vibes commence!
Obscurest Vinyl is responsible for releasing ‘the greatest records you’ve never heard.’ Among those records is an ‘obscure’ one from the risqué jazz crooner, Vito Lovejoy. You’re not alone if you’ve never heard of him until he unleashed the ‘charming’ song, “I’d Really Like To Get In Your Pants, Because I Just Shit Mine”. The title not only contains innuendo, but also fecal matter – shit! Before Lovejoy gets ‘down and dirty,’ the listeners are privy to a refined instrumental intro. Beyond the old-school, big band backdrop, “I’d Really Like To Get In Your Pants, Because I Just Shit Mine” isn’t refined in the least. I mean, the title is on-the-nose to the nth degree.
Vito Lovejoy is brutally honest about his shitting problem. “I just can’t stop ruining all of these pants / I’m just shittin’ and shittin’ and shittin’.” Damn, that’s ample shit, bruh! Irritated regarding his irritable bowels, Lovejoy adds an intensifier to the shit: “Trying to get in your pants / Because I keep fuckin’ shittin’ in mine.” What more can you say but, holy fuckin’ shit! “I’d Really Like To Get In Your Pants, Because I Just Shit Mine” is all about shock value. Although it’s brief, running north of a minute, Vito Lovejoy and Obscurest Vinyl get their point across loud and clear. And that point involves lots of shit! In all seriousness, this ‘unreal’ record should be taken with a grain of salt. It’s all for the sake of entertainment and thoroughly gets the job done.