In the 89th edition of After Dark (2022), we explore the naughty, risqué, & sexual vibes behind, “Hotel” by Montell Fish.
Innuendo? More like full-on sexual vibes! Welcome to After Dark
, a column featuring songs that are best suited for nighttime, specifically, the bedroom. Many of the records featured here raise eyebrows, as well as the temperature! These After Dark tunes focus on the universal three-letter word: SEX. The dark records gracing After Dark are old and new alike, with all genres of music welcome. In the 89th edition of After Dark (2022), we explore the naughty, risqué, & sexual vibes behind,
“Hotel” by
Montell Fish.
Theme & Lyrics
“I’m a slave to her, slave to her love.” Oh my,
Montell Fish! He goes on to say on
“Hotel”, “I’m a slave to your love, it’s who you are that I cry.” Wow, those matters of the heart – better yet, the bedroom – always make for a compelling song. “Hotel” is no different, appearing on Fish’s 2022 EP,
Her Love Still Haunts Me Like a Ghost.
Of course, some nasty, freaky happenings go down in hotels. That’s the case with Fish, who knows he’s made a mistake by meeting her in a hotel room. “I could tell you were so bad news,” he asserts in the first verse, continuing, “But I keep messing with ya, messin’ with ya / And now you’re messing with me, messin’ with me.” Well, the messing part seems to be both sexual (duh) but also mental. Obviously, sex is universal – enjoyed universally too! However, when it comes to a hook-up, which is clearly what Fish engaged in, they can be messy – leave you full of regret. Both enjoyment and regret play a role in “Hotel” where the body memories are, um lit, though not elaborated on lyrically: “You know me, girl / Better than I know myself, my love.” Wow! Wonder how exactly she knows him… !
Final Thoughts 
“Hotel” is one of the tamer After Dark
. Still, sex is sex, and Montell Fish has gotten down with a hottie in the hotel room and it was satisfying! I mean, if you’re a “slave to her love,” there’s clearly a reason why! Woo!
Montell Fish •
Her Love Still Haunts Me Like a Ghost •
Lord’s Child •
Montell Fish, “Hotel”: After Dark
No. 89 (2022) [
: Brent Faulkner, cottonbro, Foundry Co, John lucas, Lord’s Child, The Musical Hype, Pexels, Pixabay, Tazz Vaughn]
1 Comment
Hotel | 5ive Songs | The Musical Hype · December 13, 2022 at 9:01 am
[…] a slave to her, slave to her love.”
Montell Fish goes on to say on
“Hotel”, “I’m a slave to your love, it’s who you are that I cry.” Wow, those matters of the heart […]
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