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Michael Jackson, “They Don’t Care About Us”: Controversial Tunes 😈🎶 No. 13 [📷: Aidan Feddersen on Unsplash, Brent Faulkner, MJJ Productions Inc., The Musical Hype]On the 13th edition of Controversial Tunes, we explore the controversy behind the song, “They Don’t Care About Us” by Michael Jackson. 

Bring on the controversy, won’t you? Controversial Tunes 😈🎶 is a column that provides background information and insight into songs that raised eyebrows and totally stirred the pot.  The records that grace Controversial Tunes are old and new alike, with all genres of music welcome.  On the 13th edition of Controversial Tunes, we explore the controversy behind the song, 🎵 “They Don’t Care About Us” by 🎙 Michael Jackson

Theme & Lyrics ✍ 

The 1995 Michael Jackson album, 💿 HIStory – PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE – BOOK 1, is by far the most controversial of his career.  Honestly, we could make several Controversial Tunes entries from this album alone. 🎵 “Scream” (featuring 🎙 Janet Jackson) features an uncharacteristic f-bomb (“Stop fuckin’ with me, make me want to scream”).  On 🎵 “D.S.” he’s pissed off at District attorney Thomas Sneddon, who was investigating him for child molestation. He disguises him as ‘Dom Sheldon’, asserting he “is a cold man.” Earlier, he sings, “They wanna get my ass dead or alive.” Again, have I mentioned that HIStory – PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE – BOOK 1 is the most controversial MJ album?  That’s without analyzing the song at hand, They Don’t Care About Us.” 

“Skin head, dead head, everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation, everybody, allegation
...All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us.” 

“They Don’t Care About Us” is a politically and socially charged record.  Jackson had already recorded socially conscious music in the past, but this song caught flack namely for one reference.  That reference, as you might guess, has been considered anti-Semitic.  It appears as follows on the second verse:

“Beat me, hate me, you can never break me
Will me, thrill me, you can never kill me
Jew me, sue me, everybody do me
Kick me, kike me, don’t you black or white me.”

Notably, lyrics that play up Jewish stereotypes or perceived as insensitive to the struggles Jewish people have faced have been slammed for years.  🎙 Jay-Z found himself in some hot water given the Jewish stereotypes mentioned in 🎵 “The Story of O.J.” from his 2017 album, 💿 4:44 (“You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This how they did it”).  Here on “They Don’t Care About Us,” the ‘intent’ isn’t bad, but the resulting lyric is problematic.  The solution? Censorshit – I mean censorship! Notably, the drum programming is accented loudly on the reference to Jews to mask it.  Everyone who’s analyzed the song knows it’s there, of course.

Final Thoughts 💭

Ultimately, “They Don’t Care About Us” is one controversial moment from a controversial album.  Even beyond the anti-Semitic lyric, it’s not like this enjoyable pop record is lighthearted listening.  Jackson provides the soundtrack to those who have been oppressed, particularly the black man.  It’s a protest anthem, and protest anthems are never devoid of controversy.  Still, even if he overshot it with the Jewish reference, MJ made his point loud and clear.

🎙 Michael Jackson • 💿 HIStory – PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE – BOOK 1🏷 MJJ Productions Inc. • 🗓 1995

Michael Jackson, “They Don’t Care About Us”: Controversial Tunes 😈🎶 No. 13 [📷: Aidan Feddersen on Unsplash, Brent Faulkner, MJJ Productions Inc., The Musical Hype]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.