In the 15th edition of Sunday Refresh (now Music Lifts), we’re uplifted by Metropolitan Baptist Church performing, “The Blood That Jesus Shed.”
One of my favorite hymns of all time is “The Blood That Jesus Shed”, also known as
“The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power”. This one of many
Andrae Crouch standards that have been integrated with many of the traditional hymns of Christian churches worldwide. The rendition I share on Easter Sunday 2022 isn’t a standard recording but rather a live performance. This live performance took place at the Metropolitan Baptist Church for their Resurrection/Communion Sunday back on March 23, 2008. Notably, a gospel music icon is behind the keys –
Richard Smallwood!
Rev. Smallwood gives a spirited piano solo (UNDERSTATEMENT), setting up a beautiful choral performance of “The Blood.” Speaking as a pianist whose watched this performance in amazement numerous times, I find myself trying to fine tune my own skills seeing Smallwood ‘bringing the heat’ on those harmonized triplet runs! It should be noted that the gospel legend received his music education at Howard University in vocal and piano performance. Besides the keys, Todd Ledbetter plays another one of my favorite instruments – inspiring me to practice more – the tenor saxophone. His solo is soulful, matching the intensity of Smallwood as well as the anointed backing vocals of the choir. The big takeaway is, on this classic Metropolitan Baptist Church live recording, they do a marvelous job of elevating the spirit for Easter, the most important day within the Christian calendar. Even if you’re reading this or not watching this incredible video on Easter, your soul is sure to be blessed and refreshed!
Metropolitan Baptist Church, “The Blood That Jesus Shed”: Sunday Refresh
No. 15 (2022) [
: Brent Faulkner, Clker-Free-Vector-Images, Gerhard G., JL G, Metropolitan Baptist Church, The Musical Hype, Pixabay]