In the 73rd edition of Bangerz N Bopz
(2024), we highlight “Knowing U Exist” by Anchorage, Alaska-based musician, Medium Build.
Bring on the bold, fierce songs! Bangerz N Bopz serves up background info and insight into songs of various styles, especially songs that raise eyebrows and stir the pot. Featured records can be classic or brand new. In the 73rd edition of Bangerz N Bopz
(2024), we break down “Knowing U Exist” performed by Medium Build.
“Fuck, I just love laughin’ with you / The way your face gets all scrunched up.” What better way to start a song than the f-bomb? That’s how Medium Build (Nicholas Carpenter) rolls on “Knowing U Exist”. He adds in the first verse, “Fuck, I just love starin’ at you / When you’re chewin’ on your tongue.” Carpenter is having a fuckin’ blast, you might say! “Knowing U Exist” is the sixth track off Medium Build’s 2024 LP, Country. Medium Build, Abby Gundersen, Andy Park, and Laiko penned the country track. Medium Build, Laiko, and Park produced too.
Short but sweet, “Knowing U Exist” clocks in under two-and-a-half minutes. That’s enough time for more f-bombs in the second verse. “Fuck, I just love snackin’ with you,” Carpenter sings, adding, “Fuck, I just love teasin’ on you / And calling you a ‘bitch.’” Ooh, wee! Beyond being profane, Carpenter also seems to be turned on, judging by the refrain:
“And when the nasty thoughts come rushin’ into me
Knowing you exist takes a load off me.”
A load, huh? Clever word choice! The Anchorage-based queer musician delivers a surefire vibe with “Knowing U Exist”. He sings well, bringing a ‘cool energy,’ despite his potty mouth. The accompaniment is celestial, with the guitar as well as radiant strings. No deep analysis is necessary for this song. Its excellence speaks for itself!
Medium Build // Country // Medium Build, LLC / Island // 2024
Medium Build, Knowing U Exist: Bangerz N Bopz
No. 73 (2024) [
: Brent Faulkner / The Musical Hype; Medium Build, LLC / Island; cottonbro studio, Harry Shelton, Kool Shooters, Lucas Pazeta, Mavluda Tashbaeva, Teddy Yang, Wesley Souza from Pexels]