In the 11th edition of Beaming with Pride
(2025), we highlight the song, “Boxer Shorts & Razor Blades” performed by Matt Fishel.
Prepare to beam with P-R-I-D-E ️
! Beaming with Pride
celebrates, embraces, and spotlights songs by LGBTQ musicians or allies. Here, we provide background and insight into musician(s) and analyze + go gaga over the decadent bops served up. When the music dictates deeper, more transcendent discussion, we ensure the point is fully articulated. All styles of music are welcome while the songs can be classics or brand-spanking new. So, without further ado, in the 11th edition of Beaming with Pride
(2025), we highlight “Boxer Shorts & Razor Blades” performed by Matt Fishel.
“Picking through the remnants of our life / Sitting squabbling over what belongs to you and which stuff’s mine,” Matt Fishel sings, continuing, “Well, it’s all boxer shorts and razor blades tonight.” And there you have it. That is where the unique song title, “Boxer Shorts & Razor Blades” comes from. “Boxer Shorts” is the 11th track from Fishel’s 2013 album, fittingly titled, Not Thinking Straight. He is not straight, of course – he’s out and proud, baby ! Also, the British rock singer/songwriter is, dare I say, handsome
. Matt and his boyfriend are fighting over petty, unimportant shit. Right now, it’s dumb stuff like undies, but Fishel knows it’ll be something else next. In the first chorus, he asserts, “And clichés like ‘everything gonna be alright’ / But it’s not alright.”
The relationship issues don’t stop beyond the first verse and chorus. Fishel and his partner seek compromise in the second verse, yet the problems only grow. “If you could swear to open and talk once in a while,” he sings, continuing, “You cannot keep it all inside for weeks / Then snap at me like an angry child.” Oh, snap! By the third verse, the relationship has ended, yet the feelings still run rampant once Matt encounters his ‘cute’ ex. “You still looked as cute as you ever did / And still the thought of telling people / You’re no longer my boyfriend kills me.” Aww, so sad
. The third and final chorus marks their goodbye. Fishel puts every ounce of his heart into “Boxer Shorts & Razor Blades”. His voice is beautiful and dynamic, convincingly conveying a painful, ended relationship. The songwriting is authentic, while the music rocks with high-flying guitars, warm keys, and big drums that hearken back to the rock of old (think 1980s). No, those boxers don’t play a sizable, sexy role into the song, but, it’s a killer song title and song nonetheless
Matt Fishel // Not Thinking Straight // Young Lust // 2013
Matt Fishel, Boxer Shorts & Razor Blades: Beaming with Pride
No. 11 (2025) [
: Brent Faulkner/ The Musical Hype; Young Lust; Elias Souza, Mario Spencer, Mizuno K from Pexels; All_CC0_Public_domain, CatsWithGlasses, David, ernestflowerss, Kelly, M. Harris, Marek Studzinski, OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay]