Pop singer Mathew V delivers an authentic, utterly sublime cover of the Dani and Lizzi record, “Dancing in the Sky.”
“Tell me, what does it look like in heaven? / Is it peaceful? Is it free like they say?” Mathew V sings thoughtfully in the first few lines of
“Dancing in the Sky”. Mathew V does a marvelous job making “Dancing in the Sky” sound truly original; he makes it his own. That said, the song itself is a cover of the
Dani and Lizzi song released in 2015. Danielle and Elizabeth Hyde penned this gorgeous ballad alongside
Jason Traub. Safe to say, Mr. V does it sufficient justice. He authentically brings the poetic, remembrance-driven lyrics alive. His tone is stupendous as he pays ode to the lost. He asks questions about what heaven is like, shining most on the centerpiece, the chorus. Here, is where he hopes and imagines heaven truly is everything that so many have imagined it to be:
“I hope you’re dancing in the sky
I hope you’re singing in the angel’s choir
I hope the angels know what they have
I’ll bet it’s so nice up in heaven since you arrived.”
Final Thoughts 
In the case of Mathew V and his cover of “Dancing in the Sky”, no extensive analysis is needed. He sounds utterly sublime and sincere here, so much so that this record sounds like it could be his own. That is one of the accomplishments one tries when covering an already great song. Mr. V sensationally reminds, and perhaps, introduces, this terrific record to a new audience. Bravo!
Mathew V •
“Dancing in the Sky” •
604 •
: 604, Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype, OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay]