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Marvin Sapp, “Never Would Have Made It”: Sunday Refresh 🙏 No. 6 (2021) [📷: Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype, Sony,  Zac Durant on Unsplash]On the 6th edition of Sunday Refresh, we’re uplifted by Marvin Sapp performing the incredibly successful, “Never Would Have Made It.”

Welcome to Sunday Refresh 🙏, a column that seeks to highlight inspirational songs to uplift the spirit.  These tracks that appear on Sunday Refresh may or may not be faith-based or religious; the goal is for them to make you feel better – refreshed.  So, for the X edition of Sunday Refresh, we highlight 🎵 “Never Would Have Made It” as performed by 🎙 Marvin Sapp.

“Never would have made it / Never could have made it without you / I would have lost it all / But now I see how you were there for me.” It’s a rarity when a contemporary gospel song impacts the pop charts.  The inspirational, spiritually charged Marvin Sapp gem 🎵 “Never Would Have Made It” (💿 Thirsty, 2007) did just that. It is one of the rare songs that simply couldn’t be contained to gospel charts.

“Never Would Have Made It” landed on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at no. 82, an amazing feat for a gospel record. Furthermore, it ended up being certified platinum, while Thirsty would earn gold certification.  More important than the commercial success is the message – why “Never Would Have Made It” was so successful and still packs a sizable inspirational punch. It’s a song about faith, resolve, and strength, giving thanks to God for his mercy:

“I am stronger
I am wiser
And now I am better
So much better.”

Even the most faithless person is hard pressed to deny the sheer power of this song, regardless of belief in a deity or not.

Also Appears On 🔽:

🔗 🎧 Five Uplifting Contemporary Gospel Songs

🔗 🎧 20 Dazzling NEVER Songs

🎙 Marvin Sapp • 💿 Thirsty 🏷 Sony • 📅 2007
Marvin Sapp, “Never Would Have Made It”: Sunday Refresh 🙏 No. 6 (2021) [📷: Brent Faulkner, The Musical Hype, Sony,  Zac Durant on Unsplash]


the musical hype

the musical hype (Brent Faulkner) has earned Bachelor's and Master's degrees in music (music education, music theory/composition respectively). A multi-instrumentalist, he plays piano, trombone, and organ among numerous other instruments. He's a certified music educator, composer, and freelance music blogger. Faulkner cites music and writing as two of the most important parts of his life. Notably, he's blessed with a great ear, possessing perfect pitch.