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4 out of 5 stars

Marsha Swanson, Facing Life [📷: Marsha Swanson]Marsha Swanson Releases New Single, ‘Facing Life’

Contributed by George James


arsha Swanson’s latest musical offering, ‘Facing Life‘, serves as a heartfelt glimpse into her forthcoming album, ‘Near Life Experience‘, which has been eagerly awaited by fans. Here, we see Marsha delve into the bond between a mother and daughter and the delicate fragility of existence.

Marsha’s emotional voyage begins with a guitar prelude that instantly piques our ear. The track’s mellow rhythm sets the stage for the poignant narrative to unfold, it is an opener that truly shines. The powerful guitar tones blend with ethereal synth melodies in perfect harmony, as do the fusion of sounds that emerge adding powerful depth to the soundscape. Also, the song unveils a multitude of fresh components and instruments as it progresses, creating a unique and surprising ride. 

The magic of the track belongs to Marsha’s voice. Furthermore, from the very beginning, her fervent speech tugs at the heartstrings. The passion of emotions in her voice truly brings the song to life, showcasing her unwavering passion to the words. Also, the profound emotions embedded within the lyrics of ‘Facing Life’ amplify its raw and captivating power. Life.”

For us, ‘Facing Life’ brings lots of nostalgia and it is a track that truly resonates. The exquisite orchestration, heartfelt lyrics, and powerful vocals combine to create a truly indenting experience and it leaves us yearning for the album! 

You can take a listen to ‘Facing Life‘ by Marsha Swanson here

Four out of five – George James. 

Also, for more music reviews click here.

4 out of 5 stars

🎙 Marsha Swanson • 🎵 Facing Life • 🏷 Marsha Swanson 🗓 08.04.23
[📷 : Marsha Swanson]