Maroon 5 continues to double down on modern pop on their first single of 2021, “Beautiful Mistakes,” featuring Megan Thee Stallion.
Sometimes, it’s not an artist’s music that gets the buzz but rather something they say. Adam Levine, the ‘front man’ of
Maroon 5 definitely got some flak for saying, “There’s no bands anymore, and I feel like they’re a dying breed”. Expectedly, he received some criticism from ‘bands’ who are continuing with their careers. Also, plenty of folks took the opportunity to criticize M5 given the fact that, in all honesty, it does sound more like an Adam Levine solo project. Regardless, controversy aside, the ‘band’ released a new single,
“Beautiful Mistakes” and tapped
Meghan Thee Stallion for the assist. Hmm… I’ll leave it at that.
Actually, I won’t – sorry. Let’s keep it real. Maroon 5 has been more of pop collective for years. When I hear a M5 cut these days, I don’t necessarily associate the sound with that of a band. They haven’t sounded like Songs About Jane since, well, Songs About Jane. That’s no shade or a shot at the band, but if anything, the band has embraced Top 40 pop more and more and more. “Beautiful Mistakes” further confirms his, continuing to double down on the ultra-sleek, modern pop sound. This is a record that looks to conquer playlists and radio airwaves more than the artistry of preserving the band format. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course. That said, I’m not sure I leave “Beautiful Mistakes” taking much away from it.
Adam Levine sings fine, as always, though there is ample vocal processing. Melodically, “Beautiful Mistakes” is tuneful enough but not game changing. Maroon 5 does muster up a catchy chorus, again, aimed at the pop crowd – not the ‘band’ crowd. Megan Thee Stallion provides a tame but rhythmic verse that flows respectably. She also incorporates some singing, which isn’t as potent for her generally, but complements the melodic vibe of this cut. I think we all know she’s at her best when she’s sexed-up and unapologetic AF. She’s certainly NOT that particular persona here.
Final Thoughts 
It’s probably unfair that I mentioned Adam Levine’s comments in tandem with reviewing “Beautiful Mistakes.” That said, I do find it interesting that this pop collective arguably has been chief amongst those moving away from the traditional band to some extent. Nonetheless, as a song, “Beautiful Mistakes” uses the usual formula Maroon 5 have employed for years. It’s enjoyable enough but not particularly innovative and certainly not transcendent. Stans will be onboard, while the more casual M5 fan like myself will still be yearning for those “This Love” days.
Maroon 5 •
“Beautiful Mistakes” (Ft. Megan Thee Stallion) •
Interscope •
: Interscope]